Sunday, March 10, 2019


Pure Intelligence is Silence.

Can you accept that everything happens by itself?

Well it does.
It sounds strange I know, because you've been taught  to believe that unless you make it happen, it's not going to happen. But you've been programmed. You've been  programmed since you were born. And you've been programmed from other lives. So all you are now, is a bundle of
programming. That's all you are. A bundle of programs.

You're predictable.
How are you going to act when certain incidents approach before you?
How are you going to  react when you see certain things in your life?
Right now you may think you've got everything under control, but if  you went home and you found out that your wife or husband ran away with the milkman, you wouldn't be too  happy, would you?

Things still control you.
Situations still cause you to react.
All that has to go.

To become free you have to be empty,
no preconceived ideas, no concepts, no judgments, no human knowledge.
You have to be completely empty.

When  you're empty you're like space. Space appears as no-thing. Yet space is filled with energy. I recently read an article
where scientists are going to grow food in space. Out of space they're going to grow food. You heard about growing food under water. Well they are predicting that all of the land and all of the water mass will be used up in years to  come, then we'll have to grow food in space. I don't mean up in space somewhere. I mean in space right here. Out of  nothing.

What you call space is Consciousness. It appears as no-thing to you because of your mind/body phenomena. If you  actually were able to comprehend and see what you were immersed in, your body couldn't take it. All around you  right now, in different dimension, are all sorts of particles, radiations, electromagnetism and much more. But it  doesn't affect you, because your body-mind is made that way. Yet you are not your body or your mind.

You are  pure consciousness. You are space. You are emptiness, nirvana.
So what are you going to do about it?
Get upset?
Become affected by people's words or actions?

There appears to be two different kinds of realization.
One is when you transcend and you're still aware of yourself.
You're separate from the universal, but you have transcended.
The other one is when you have transcended the body  so completely that you have become all-pervading, omnipresent.
You have become the universe.
There is no longer  me and mine.
You no longer believe I own this, and you don't. This is mine.
You've become the universe and
thoughts like mine and thine no longer enter your mind.

But the one before that, is you're still aware of yourself as  consciousness, but not universal consciousness, personal consciousness.

You can tell if you're getting there by the way you see things. If you're beginning to feel that you're like the screen,
and that everything, everything that you see, including your body, is a superimposition on the screen, and you feel  radiantly happy for no reason, you know you've come a long way. But when you feel like one of the images on the
screen, and you do not remember that you are the screen, then you're still part of the world.

It may sound strange but everything, the trees, the sky, the moon, the sun, people, your relatives and your body, your
mind, are all superimpositions on yourself. Just hearing this should make you happy. You are the imperishable self.
There never was a time when you were born, and there never will be a time when you disappear. You are that. You
are that self, without others.

Wake up.
Know yourself for what you really are.
Stop believing that you are a man or a
woman, and you're going through certain experiences. Stop believing you've got to work out your karma and that
everything that happens to you is karmic. That's human thinking.

Stop believing that God punishes and God
rewards. There is no such God.
Wake up.
You're living the mortal dream and you're believing in it. Nothing can ever  happen to you. There is no one called you. You don't exist. No thing that you can imagine exists. Realization doesn't  exist.
Liberation doesn't exist. It doesn't exist because you've got to think about it. And of course everything you  think about is false imagination.

You can only confirm this truth in the silence.

~ The Collected Works of Robert Adams Volume 1

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