Thursday, March 14, 2019

I Am - Spira

I AM by Rupert Spira 
I have no words to express Myself but all words express only Me.
I have no meaning but impart meaning to all that is perceived.
I am without beginning and end but all things begin and end in Me.
I have no name but am called by all names.
I have no form but all form indicates Me.
I have no origin but am the origin of all things.
I am without division but all divisions exist in Me.
I exist by Myself.
I am happiness itself.
I am imperceivable yet you perceive only Me.
I am full but have nothing.
I am empty but contain all.
I give away everything but am never diminished.
I receive all but never expand.
I shine.
I speak but am silent.
I move but am motionless.
I see but cannot be seen.
I hear but cannot be heard.
I taste but cannot be tasted.
I smell but cannot be smelled.
I touch but cannot be touched.
I smile.
I am the silence in music and the music in silence.
I give Myself unconditionally to all things.
I am the knowing in all that is known.
I am the experiencing in all that is experienced.
I am pure sensitivity, openness and availability.
Time borrows its continuity from My eternity.
Space borrows its permanence from My infinity.
All colours borrow their light from My luminosity.
All lovers borrow their affection from My love.
All things borrow their existence from My Being.
I am the ‘yes’ in the ‘no’.
I am the ‘now’ in the ‘then’.
I am the ‘here’ in the ‘there’.
I am the reality of an illusion.
I am an open secret.
I am veiled by doubt but am not Myself in doubt.
I live beneath fear but am neither afraid nor frightening.
I abide in Myself.
I dance.
I am pregnant with the universe.
I am the substance of all thinking but cannot be thought about.
I am the reality of all feeling but cannot be felt.
I do not exist but am never absent.
Your love for Me is My love for you.
I am the knowledge in ignorance.
I am the answer in the question.
I lend Myself to all seeming things.
I forget Myself to taste the sweetness of longing.
I divide Myself to know the tenderness of friendship.
I hide Myself for the pleasure of seeking.
I look for Myself for the fulfillment of finding.
I am vast and bright.
I am the voice of a child.
Time and space move through Me but I do not move through them.
I am made of nothing but cannot be destroyed.
I have no goal but am the fulfillment of every desire.
I have no feelings but am open to all feelings.
I am kindness itself.
I am imperturbable and am thus peace itself.
I am without resistance and am thus happiness itself.
I am one with all seeming things and am thus love itself.
I shine in the mind as ‘I’.
I shine in the heart as ‘you’.
I shine in the world as ‘it’.
But I only ever am and know Myself alone.
All names and forms are modulations of My nameless, formless Self.
In ignorance I come and go in the world.
In wisdom the world comes and goes in Me.
In love all is Me and I am all.
But for Myself there is no I or all.
I am neither beyond nor within.
I am the permanent in all impermanence.
I am never found but never lost.
I sing.
I was not born but all are born of Me.
I do not die but all things die in Me.
I have no cause but cause all seeming things.
I do not last in time but all time lasts in Me.
I am ancient but not old.
I am alone but not lonely.
I am closer than your breath but further than the stars.
I am intimate but impersonal.
I am infinite.
I am not something but not nothing.
I am not somewhere but not nowhere.
I am not ‘me’ but am not ‘other’.
I do not exist but am not non-existent.
I am longed for but avoided.
How strange.
I dissolve the body into the world.
I dissolve the world into the mind.
And I dissolve the mind into Myself.
I take the shape of thinking and seem to become a mind.
I take the shape of sensing and seem to become a body.
I take the shape of perceiving and seem to become a world.
But always remain Myself.
I am and know and love Myself alone.
My eternity appears as time to the mind.
My infinity appears as space to the senses.
But I know only My own eternal, dimensionless Being.
I become something, then nothing, then everything.
I can be separated from all things.
But no thing can be separated from Me.
I am the open, empty, luminous space of Awareness
In which all experience appears,
With which it is known,
And out of which it is made.
I am the light of pure Knowing.
Turn towards Me and I will take you into Myself.
I play.
I enjoy.
I am.

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