Saturday, March 23, 2019

blank - adams

Robert Adams Satsang
T118: The Knower Is The Last To Go!
If you think you're human, if you believe you're human, everything has been planned for you. Your whole life has been ordained, outlined. But now, if you come to the conclusion that you're not human, that you're not the body or the mind, that there are no problems, you were never born and so you have nothing to do with your existence. There never will be a time when you will leave your body. You are the same, yesterday, today and forever. Absolute reality, self-contained, all-pervading, Brahman, sat-chit-ananda, nirvana, this is your real nature. This is what you really are.
Then why does the world affect you so? Why don't you awaken? You don't know.
You don't know because you are already awake. There's nothing to know. In order to know something there has to be a knower. Who is the knower? Never answer that question, for there isn't any knower. A knower does not exist, consequently there's absolutely nothing to know. There's nothing to do. There's nothing to be or become. There is no enlightenment. There's no self-realization. There is absolute blank! And you are the blankety, blank, blank.

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