Friday, March 1, 2019

ONE SELF - Adams

God Is All There Is
There is only the One Brahman, the One Self, the One Reality, and we're all That.
Therefore, I will make Our confession. 
The "I-am" confesses to you. Not my confession or Henry's confession, or Dana's confession or anybody's confession. Our confession.
The confession is not coming from a person, it's coming from the One Self, it is the One Self.
Close your eyes. I Am boundless space, infinite like the sky, I Am.
Not a person, place or thing, but I Am.
I Am choiceless, effortless, Pure Awareness.
I Am Parabrahman. I Am Sat-Chit-Ananda.
I Am Ultimate Oneness. I Am
Absolute Reality. I Am Nirvana. I Am infinite like the sky. I Am Absolute Consciousness. I Am That I Am. I Am. I Am. I Am.
There are some who want to awaken with all their heart and with all their soul. Yet they always forget that they have to
get rid of the stuff that's keeping them from awakening. The concepts, the preconceived ideas, the dogmas, the belief system that we've had for so many years. This has to be given up.
We must develop loving kindness, compassion. If you are I Am, then you must practice ahimsa, non-violence to any living thing. For if you admit and confess I Am Absolute Pure Awareness, I Am Parabrahman, this is All-Pervading, this is Omnipresence. Therefore the trees, the animals, the mountains, the Universe, everything, is I Am. When I use the word I Am, do not believe or think it applies to the human body. There is no human body. The human body does not exist. I Am Consciousness exists, and the "I-am" Consciousness is everything.
Everything is holy. Everything is sacred. Do not believe that some things are sacred and some things are not.
Everything is sacred, even man's inhumanity to man, the dastardly situations that appear in the world. It's hard for the human mind to understand these things, but everything is very sacred.
Everything is God. God is all there is.
There is nothing else. So how can there be an evil situation someplace and also be God? This is duality. And we know and understand that duality does not exist. There is only the ONE, and the ONE is everything that exists. You consequently have to start feeling this in your Heart. For your Heart center is Omnipresence, All-pervading. It includes the whole universe.
There is nothing to be angry about, nothing to be upset about, nothing to be depressed about, for the whole Universe is God and nothing else. You are not your body or your mind. We still make the mistake in believing that when you say I
Am Brahman, you're referring to your body.
Your body can never be Brahman.
The body is an illusion, a mirage.
There is only Brahman, only God, nothing else.
~ Robert Adams
#T. 155 @ This Is Your Dharma - May 21, 1992

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