Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
Pure profound silence
Excerpt from: Satsang
Pure profound silence
The body that you're wearing right now is an hallucination. You are not that person whatsoever. But because you appear as that person you go through many experiences of what that person has to go through. Do not fight it. Do not try to change it. Leave everything alone. You'll be very surprised at what happens if you leave everything alone. But when you try to change bad for good you're fighting a losing battle for it cannot be done.
You may tell me of people who have used their mind to achieve things in the world, to heal themselves of disease, to heal themselves of lack or limitation, to become powerful beings through thinking. Those things are only changes, temporary changes. Do not try to be a human being. Go beyond that. You go beyond that by doing nothing. Yet some of you do not understand and think you have to sit down like a lump and do nothing on the contrary. When you're doing nothing you're doing something. Something is being done. Something will always be done by you. But yet at the same time nothing is being done.
So the question is, "Is something being done or is nothing being done?" and there is no answer. What do you want to achieve and why do you wish to achieve those things? Only for your self aggrandizement. An animal leads a normal life. It cannot think like we do. It goes through its life and when it's time to leave their life it leaves it peacefully, happily. But as human beings we fight, trying to live forever. Trying to maintain the same beauty we've always had, the same happiness, the same joy. This is all a waste of energy.
All is well, just the way it is. You are perfect just the way you are. There is nothing that you have to do. There is noone you have to please. There is no God that you have to appease. You are the one. All of these ideas that are going through your mind of people, places, things, Gods, are all you. You are creating everything. Everything that you can think about you're creating. Everything comes out of yourself.
Just like you're dreaming. The mistake we make is we try to awaken from the dream, the mortal dream, from this dream. Yet who is to awaken from it? The person that wants to awaken doesn't exist. Do you see what I'm saying? Nothing exists that has to do anything. The person who wants to be free does not exist, has never existed. The person who is looking for moksha does not exist. Then again what does exist? Total silence exists. Pure profound silence. Never try to comprehend these things. For you're using the mind, you're using the cells that are the mind, that are connected to the cells of the universe and you make your life miserable by doing this.
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