Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
Be still and know that I-am God
Catch yourself thinking, ask yourself, "Who thinks?" Be truthful to yourself say, "I think." But you'll realize that you are not the I. So I thinks and you have absolutely nothing to do with it. "Then where did this I come from? If I have absolutely nothing to do with it," you say to yourself, "why is the I there? Why does it present itself to me?" By that very question the I will be destroyed and you'll find absolute freedom. You have to learn to keep inquiring within yourself. Nobody outside of you can help you. All the answers are within you. You are the answer.
Feel how wonderful this is. That all the answers you've been looking for are within yourself. Whatever you've been searching for, whatever your needs are they're all within yourself. You've got everything you need within yourself. Dive deep within yourself. Don't be afraid to let go. Nothing can ever hurt you again.
As you're sitting here this way all of the stuff that has been pulling you back from your highest good is melting away. Feel this happening. All of those things that have held on to you for so long in the form of disease, lack, limitation, unhappiness of any kind, ignorance, feel it all dissolving right now. Feel it happening.
You are the divine one. You are that which has always been and that which will always be, pure awareness, total joy and peace. You do not have to try to make it happen it's already happening. There is nothing you have to do just be still and know that I-am God. "Be still and know that I am God," say this to yourself. Not your ego, not the personal-I but I-am which is really you, is God. "Be still and know that I-am God. Be still and know that I-am God. Be still and know that I-am God." (Silence)
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