Sunday, June 23, 2019

Glory be to God - Mooji

Glory be to God, the single reality,
who alone is real,
from whom this play of existence emanate.
The Lord of the Universe.
The one who resides in the heart of all living beings,
the purpose we exist, the one we exist to discover.
There is no world of freedom apart of realizing
the Truth from our own deepest Self with He in,
He alone, with beyond all names and forms,
who alone can be called the timeless,
the imperishable, the unborn
and the uncreated one.
The highest purpose for which we exist to discover,
be in harmony with, be one with.
That which we can never not be.
Yet in this dream we imagine we are separated from.
Glory be to That One.
We have no other way to explain the source
from which we come, except Him.
He I call my Father and my own Self,
your Self, our Self, one Self.
The recognition of whom and through whom we find life,
timeless, imperishable.
That in this life we must transcend the ignorance
that appear to veil the timeless one.
I have no other purpose in life.
The same one I see in you,
whose name is I Am also,
the ungiven name.
The untruth never is,
and the Truth never is not.
So find this and be free.
This is the root of our connection.
Apparently broken only be ignorance
and arrogance, a separation imagined.
Thank You
~ Mooji Baba
Excerpt from ‘Satsang of the Week’ 5 May 2019
“The Highest Question That Will Destroy Delusion”

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