Monday, June 17, 2019

effortlessness of awareness - adya

"Don’t become obsessed with eradicating the me. Just let the me be there. Let the mind be there. Only the mind has a problem with the mind. Just be in a relaxed way. When in doubt, relax. When con- fused, relax. When the mind is busy, relax. When you can’t relax, relax about that.
The me is essentially a constriction. That’s how it knows itself. And contracting against a constriction is simply more constriction. Sometimes you just need to have a good laugh at it all. Face the absur- dity of it and just breathe out. It takes no effort to be free.
Ease into being, feel the effortlessness of awareness. You are more okay than you can imagine. There is something in you that never struggles. Do you notice it now?"
~ Adyashanti
A Revolution of Being

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