Sunday, March 31, 2019
Be still- Adams
Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
Be still and know that I-am God
Catch yourself thinking, ask yourself, "Who thinks?" Be truthful to yourself say, "I think." But you'll realize that you are not the I. So I thinks and you have absolutely nothing to do with it. "Then where did this I come from? If I have absolutely nothing to do with it," you say to yourself, "why is the I there? Why does it present itself to me?" By that very question the I will be destroyed and you'll find absolute freedom. You have to learn to keep inquiring within yourself. Nobody outside of you can help you. All the answers are within you. You are the answer.
Feel how wonderful this is. That all the answers you've been looking for are within yourself. Whatever you've been searching for, whatever your needs are they're all within yourself. You've got everything you need within yourself. Dive deep within yourself. Don't be afraid to let go. Nothing can ever hurt you again.
As you're sitting here this way all of the stuff that has been pulling you back from your highest good is melting away. Feel this happening. All of those things that have held on to you for so long in the form of disease, lack, limitation, unhappiness of any kind, ignorance, feel it all dissolving right now. Feel it happening.
You are the divine one. You are that which has always been and that which will always be, pure awareness, total joy and peace. You do not have to try to make it happen it's already happening. There is nothing you have to do just be still and know that I-am God. "Be still and know that I am God," say this to yourself. Not your ego, not the personal-I but I-am which is really you, is God. "Be still and know that I-am God. Be still and know that I-am God. Be still and know that I-am God." (Silence)
Excerpt from: Satsang
Be still and know that I-am God
Catch yourself thinking, ask yourself, "Who thinks?" Be truthful to yourself say, "I think." But you'll realize that you are not the I. So I thinks and you have absolutely nothing to do with it. "Then where did this I come from? If I have absolutely nothing to do with it," you say to yourself, "why is the I there? Why does it present itself to me?" By that very question the I will be destroyed and you'll find absolute freedom. You have to learn to keep inquiring within yourself. Nobody outside of you can help you. All the answers are within you. You are the answer.
Feel how wonderful this is. That all the answers you've been looking for are within yourself. Whatever you've been searching for, whatever your needs are they're all within yourself. You've got everything you need within yourself. Dive deep within yourself. Don't be afraid to let go. Nothing can ever hurt you again.
As you're sitting here this way all of the stuff that has been pulling you back from your highest good is melting away. Feel this happening. All of those things that have held on to you for so long in the form of disease, lack, limitation, unhappiness of any kind, ignorance, feel it all dissolving right now. Feel it happening.
You are the divine one. You are that which has always been and that which will always be, pure awareness, total joy and peace. You do not have to try to make it happen it's already happening. There is nothing you have to do just be still and know that I-am God. "Be still and know that I am God," say this to yourself. Not your ego, not the personal-I but I-am which is really you, is God. "Be still and know that I-am God. Be still and know that I-am God. Be still and know that I-am God." (Silence)
prayer to God - Mooji
“Beloved Father
erase the memory of me.
Close my account
of personal identity
and its seeming treasures.
erase the memory of me.
Close my account
of personal identity
and its seeming treasures.
Rid me of ego
and absorb me in you
O unborn awareness.”
and absorb me in you
O unborn awareness.”
Friday, March 29, 2019
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Light -Mooji
Sri Mooji
We are this light and we must discover this
From just one candle, you can light a million candles without putting strain on the first candle. From one awakened being, you can set light into a million souls, so powerful is the light. If you go into a room full of light, but outside is darkness, and you open the curtain, that darkness won't come in.
But if you go into a room which is dark and you open up a little tiny bit of a curtain, it will fill the whole room with light. Such is the power of the light. We are this light and we must discover this.
We are this light and we must discover this
From just one candle, you can light a million candles without putting strain on the first candle. From one awakened being, you can set light into a million souls, so powerful is the light. If you go into a room full of light, but outside is darkness, and you open the curtain, that darkness won't come in.
But if you go into a room which is dark and you open up a little tiny bit of a curtain, it will fill the whole room with light. Such is the power of the light. We are this light and we must discover this.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
utterly one - spira
Utterly One
~ ~ ~
See clearly in this moment that we are the Knowing Presence to which, in which (and ultimately, as which) the mind, the body and the world appear. Normally we consider that ‘I’ (this knowing Presence) resides inside the body or as the body. But one clear look at our experience shows that the body and the world both appear in this Knowing Presence, just like our thoughts.
~ ~ ~
See clearly in this moment that we are the Knowing Presence to which, in which (and ultimately, as which) the mind, the body and the world appear. Normally we consider that ‘I’ (this knowing Presence) resides inside the body or as the body. But one clear look at our experience shows that the body and the world both appear in this Knowing Presence, just like our thoughts.
The mind, the body and the world are always moving, changing, appearing, disappearing, but Presence never moves, changes, appears or disappears. ‘I’ (Presence) was never born, never grows old and never dies.
When the mind, the body and the world are present, they are so utterly, intimately one with Presence as to be indistinguishable, inseparable from it. In any experience, there are never two things: Presence.., and the objects of the mind, body or world. These apparent two are not even intimately connected. They are closer than that: they are utterly one. When the mind, the body and the world are present, they are the shape that this Presence is taking at that moment. And their substance is only this Knowing Presence that we intimately know ourselves to be.
If we look at this Knowing Presence, we find nothing objective. And yet we know beyond any doubt that it is both Knowing and Present; that it is what we Are. However, it has no objective qualities and cannot therefore be found in the mind, the body or the world.
The belief that we are separate entities located somewhere inside the body is simply a belief. One clear look at our experience shows that this belief has no experiential foundation. There are no separate entities or objects anywhere in the universe, nor is there a personal subject.
It is simply a thought, an unsubstantiated belief, that divides the seamless totality of experience into a knower (an ‘entity’ inside the body) and the known (an outside world). However, in reality, there is no separate ‘knower’ of experience and no separate object, other or world that is ‘known.’ There is simply this Knowing, this experiencing, this Presence, taking the shape of thoughts, images, sensations and perceptions, and yet never becoming anything other than it always already is. If this is Known to be our experience, then there is truly nothing to be done.
However, if we think (and more importantly, if we feel) that we are an entity or a person located somewhere inside the body or as the body, then doing, choosing and seeking are inherent in that position.
If we stand Knowingly as this Presence taking the shape moment by moment of the totality of our experience, we simply abide as that.
However, if we think we are a person, an entity, if we feel that we are located somewhere behind the eyes or in the chest, then seeking is inevitable and unavoidable.
In this case, we take the belief or feeling of being separate or located and go deeply into it, tracing it back to its source and substance in Presence. As we come to Know ourselves again as this Presence, we simply abide as That.
Back and forth between these two (seeking the Source and abiding as Presence) our life unfolds, until we can no longer feel the difference between them.
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Rupert Spira
do nothing - adams
Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
Pure profound silence
Excerpt from: Satsang
Pure profound silence
The body that you're wearing right now is an hallucination. You are not that person whatsoever. But because you appear as that person you go through many experiences of what that person has to go through. Do not fight it. Do not try to change it. Leave everything alone. You'll be very surprised at what happens if you leave everything alone. But when you try to change bad for good you're fighting a losing battle for it cannot be done.
You may tell me of people who have used their mind to achieve things in the world, to heal themselves of disease, to heal themselves of lack or limitation, to become powerful beings through thinking. Those things are only changes, temporary changes. Do not try to be a human being. Go beyond that. You go beyond that by doing nothing. Yet some of you do not understand and think you have to sit down like a lump and do nothing on the contrary. When you're doing nothing you're doing something. Something is being done. Something will always be done by you. But yet at the same time nothing is being done.
So the question is, "Is something being done or is nothing being done?" and there is no answer. What do you want to achieve and why do you wish to achieve those things? Only for your self aggrandizement. An animal leads a normal life. It cannot think like we do. It goes through its life and when it's time to leave their life it leaves it peacefully, happily. But as human beings we fight, trying to live forever. Trying to maintain the same beauty we've always had, the same happiness, the same joy. This is all a waste of energy.
All is well, just the way it is. You are perfect just the way you are. There is nothing that you have to do. There is noone you have to please. There is no God that you have to appease. You are the one. All of these ideas that are going through your mind of people, places, things, Gods, are all you. You are creating everything. Everything that you can think about you're creating. Everything comes out of yourself.
Just like you're dreaming. The mistake we make is we try to awaken from the dream, the mortal dream, from this dream. Yet who is to awaken from it? The person that wants to awaken doesn't exist. Do you see what I'm saying? Nothing exists that has to do anything. The person who wants to be free does not exist, has never existed. The person who is looking for moksha does not exist. Then again what does exist? Total silence exists. Pure profound silence. Never try to comprehend these things. For you're using the mind, you're using the cells that are the mind, that are connected to the cells of the universe and you make your life miserable by doing this.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Saturday, March 23, 2019
even depression is illuminated by the Light of Awareness
Even Depression is Illuminated by the Light of Awareness
~ ~ ~
This wave of emotion in you is the sign of this recognition that, at some level, you have this deep intuition (while we’re exploring our experience like this) that the only substance present in your experience is the Knowing of it. That Knowing doesn’t belong to any particular experience because it pervades all experience. The screen doesn’t belong to any particular movie because whatever movie you’re watching, it’s the same screen. When the movie disappears, nothing real disappears. Just the screen changes color. The screen…, that is this Knowing; Being aware. Is there any part of your experience that is not pervaded by That?
~ ~ ~
This wave of emotion in you is the sign of this recognition that, at some level, you have this deep intuition (while we’re exploring our experience like this) that the only substance present in your experience is the Knowing of it. That Knowing doesn’t belong to any particular experience because it pervades all experience. The screen doesn’t belong to any particular movie because whatever movie you’re watching, it’s the same screen. When the movie disappears, nothing real disappears. Just the screen changes color. The screen…, that is this Knowing; Being aware. Is there any part of your experience that is not pervaded by That?
Look around you. Your entire experience: Is it not all-pervaded by being aware? Try to find now a little corner of your experience that is exempt.
It’s like looking for a part of the movie that is not made out of the screen. Can you find a little feeling of depression or a little feeling of sadness that is not pervaded by the Knowing of it…, that is not pervaded by the experience of Being aware?
No. Your experience is saturated with Being aware. It’s like the landscape; like this evening. It’s drenched in sunlight. It’s bathed in sunlight. Your experience is bathed in Consciousness; permeated by it.
In fact, even that is not right because we can’t say that the image, the movie, is pervaded by the screen. That would suggest that the movie was one thing…, that the movie had its own independent existence and the screen was something else that somehow pervades the movie. It’s not like that. There’s just the screen, changing its colors; appearing one moment as a thriller and one moment as a drama and the next moment as the news.
There’s just the experience of Being aware; appearing one moment as thinking, the next moment as sensing, the next moment as feeling, the next moment as perceiving. The problem is that we believe (and more importantly, feel) that the experience of being aware just pervades this little corner of experience called ‘my body’ and that it doesn’t pervade all of ‘that’. [Sweeps hand across space in front of him in grand gesture.] But is that your experience?
Q: I have the experience that it also pervades everything, but..., I am forgetting it also.
R: Well, just keep reminding yourself. Keep reminding yourself, like we’re doing now. When you’re sitting in your home in Amsterdam without anything particular to do, just sit and look around. And just say to yourself ‘My only experience of the world in this moment is seeing and hearing’. Or ‘Seeing and hearing and touching’. Or if you’re drinking tea ‘Seeing and hearing and tasting and touching’. And then ask yourself ‘What is seeing, hearing, tasting, touching made of? It must be made of something’.
All that’s there is the Knowing of it. All that is there is being aware of it.
What would happen if you removed the Knowing of your experience from experience? Remove awareness from your experience. What would happen?
Q: Awareness remains.
R: No, imagine you could remove awareness. You can’t…, but just imagine you could remove awareness from experience. What would remain?
Q: Awareness. You can’t….
R: Of course, you can’t. That’s why I say ‘Imagine it’. Nothing would remain. You can’t, you’re right; you cannot do that.
In other words, all there is to your experience is the Awareness of it…, is the Knowing of it.
When you’re sitting at home, when you’re walking down the street, when you’re sitting here, when you’re eating dinner, just remind yourself. Just say to yourself ‘Is there any substance present in my experience other than the Knowing of it…, other than the experiencing of it?’
You see, the habit of believing ‘I-Consciousness or Awareness- am identical to this, I am limited by this, I live inside this’ is so strong in us.
Q: For me, it is because I have such a lot of physical pain also.
R: Well, then you go to your physical pain. Do this, to begin with, when it’s not too intense. You treat your physical pain just like you treat the sound of the traffic. Because physical pain is a sensation. It’s an intense version of the sensation you are now experiencing with your hand on the mic…, but it’s more intense. But it’s still made of the same stuff. Yeah?
Pinch yourself. Pinch your arm. It’s a little bit painful; it’s not very painful but it’s a little bit painful. It’s not very pleasant. Yeah? Is there anything there other than the Knowing of it? It’s made out of the same stuff. Now pinch yourself harder. Yeah. Okay? What’s it made of? What’s the stuff that it is made of? … It’s just the Knowing of it. Okay, now let go.
Pain is unpleasant…, it’s supposed to be. It’s an intelligent signal; one of nature’s intelligent signals. Something needs attending to in your body. It’s supposed to be unpleasant. But just because it’s unpleasant doesn’t exempt it from being made out of Consciousness. It’s still made out of Consciousness. It’s still: All that is there is the Knowing of it.
Now, it’s true that at a certain stage pain may become so intense or circumstances may become so demanding that the Knowing of that may SEEM to be obscured. Or the depression may seem to be so deep that we lose touch with the fact that the only substance there is Knowing. Just like when the image on the screen goes black, we may think the image is completely obscured. But it’s not true. When the screen goes black, it is not obscured any more than it is when the screen is white.
And a deep depression is LIT UP, is rendered Know-able, by the brilliant light of pure Consciousness.
Q: Can you say that once more?
R: Even the darkest depression, even our deepest depression…, you know that experience, yes? When you are depressed, you Know you are being depressed. You can say to yourself ‘I am aware of being depressed’. Now, the I that is aware is what illuminates, or renders Know-able, the experience of depression.
A depression is dark, yes? It’s heavy, dense and dark. But it is LIT UP by something that is brilliant and luminous and transparent and empty and innately peaceful; pure Consciousness.
So, even our deepest depressions confirm primarily the Presence of the brilliant light of pure Consciousness.
Nothing can obscure that…, unless we consent to its obscuration, in which case, it SEEMS to be missing. If we believe the black image on the screen has veiled the screen, the screen will appear to be veiled. If we believe that the landscape on the screen is a real landscape, we will (by definition) think that the screen has disappeared. Only because we believe it.
As soon as we realize ‘No, the landscape is just an image. It’s just a modulation of the screen’…, right there [snaps his fingers] the screen is totally visible.
If we believe that our depression obscures Consciousness, that’s how it will feel.
If we realize that our depression is LIT UP or Known by the light of Awareness, and our attention is drawn towards that light of Awareness (rather than toward the darkness of depression) then that light of Awareness will be our experience. And the depression will gradually dissolve in that light.
~ ~ ~
Rupert Spira
“Even Depression is Illuminated by the Light of Awareness”
~ ~ ~
Rupert Spira
“Even Depression is Illuminated by the Light of Awareness”
a big joke - adams
The whole thing is a big joke.
You do not exist.
Doesn't it make you feel good to know you're a nobody,
that you do not exist?
You're not even the absolute reality.
You're not even consciousness.
Those are all words.
You're not nirvana, you are not emptiness.
You are none of those things.
What are you?
There is silence.
You are the silence. Total silence.
It is only when you rest in the silence that you appear to awaken.
I say you appear to awaken for there's no one to awaken,
and there is no silence.
What else is there to say?
You do not exist.
Doesn't it make you feel good to know you're a nobody,
that you do not exist?
You're not even the absolute reality.
You're not even consciousness.
Those are all words.
You're not nirvana, you are not emptiness.
You are none of those things.
What are you?
There is silence.
You are the silence. Total silence.
It is only when you rest in the silence that you appear to awaken.
I say you appear to awaken for there's no one to awaken,
and there is no silence.
What else is there to say?
~Robert Adams
blank - adams
Robert Adams Satsang
T118: The Knower Is The Last To Go!
T118: The Knower Is The Last To Go!
If you think you're human, if you believe you're human, everything has been planned for you. Your whole life has been ordained, outlined. But now, if you come to the conclusion that you're not human, that you're not the body or the mind, that there are no problems, you were never born and so you have nothing to do with your existence. There never will be a time when you will leave your body. You are the same, yesterday, today and forever. Absolute reality, self-contained, all-pervading, Brahman, sat-chit-ananda, nirvana, this is your real nature. This is what you really are.
Then why does the world affect you so? Why don't you awaken? You don't know.
You don't know because you are already awake. There's nothing to know. In order to know something there has to be a knower. Who is the knower? Never answer that question, for there isn't any knower. A knower does not exist, consequently there's absolutely nothing to know. There's nothing to do. There's nothing to be or become. There is no enlightenment. There's no self-realization. There is absolute blank! And you are the blankety, blank, blank.
Friday, March 22, 2019
light of awareness - spira
Even Depression is Illuminated by the Light of Awareness
~ ~ ~
This wave of emotion in you is the sign of this recognition that, at some level, you have this deep intuition (while we’re exploring our experience like this) that the only substance present in your experience is the Knowing of it. That Knowing doesn’t belong to any particular experience because it pervades all experience. The screen doesn’t belong to any particular movie because whatever movie you’re watching, it’s the same screen. When the movie disappears, nothing real disappears. Just the screen changes color. The screen…, that is this Knowing; Being aware. Is there any part of your experience that is not pervaded by That?
~ ~ ~
This wave of emotion in you is the sign of this recognition that, at some level, you have this deep intuition (while we’re exploring our experience like this) that the only substance present in your experience is the Knowing of it. That Knowing doesn’t belong to any particular experience because it pervades all experience. The screen doesn’t belong to any particular movie because whatever movie you’re watching, it’s the same screen. When the movie disappears, nothing real disappears. Just the screen changes color. The screen…, that is this Knowing; Being aware. Is there any part of your experience that is not pervaded by That?
Look around you. Your entire experience: Is it not all-pervaded by being aware? Try to find now a little corner of your experience that is exempt.
It’s like looking for a part of the movie that is not made out of the screen. Can you find a little feeling of depression or a little feeling of sadness that is not pervaded by the Knowing of it…, that is not pervaded by the experience of Being aware?
No. Your experience is saturated with Being aware. It’s like the landscape; like this evening. It’s drenched in sunlight. It’s bathed in sunlight. Your experience is bathed in Consciousness; permeated by it.
In fact, even that is not right because we can’t say that the image, the movie, is pervaded by the screen. That would suggest that the movie was one thing…, that the movie had its own independent existence and the screen was something else that somehow pervades the movie. It’s not like that. There’s just the screen, changing its colors; appearing one moment as a thriller and one moment as a drama and the next moment as the news.
There’s just the experience of Being aware; appearing one moment as thinking, the next moment as sensing, the next moment as feeling, the next moment as perceiving. The problem is that we believe (and more importantly, feel) that the experience of being aware just pervades this little corner of experience called ‘my body’ and that it doesn’t pervade all of ‘that’. [Sweeps hand across space in front of him in grand gesture.] But is that your experience?
Q: I have the experience that it also pervades everything, but..., I am forgetting it also.
R: Well, just keep reminding yourself. Keep reminding yourself, like we’re doing now. When you’re sitting in your home in Amsterdam without anything particular to do, just sit and look around. And just say to yourself ‘My only experience of the world in this moment is seeing and hearing’. Or ‘Seeing and hearing and touching’. Or if you’re drinking tea ‘Seeing and hearing and tasting and touching’. And then ask yourself ‘What is seeing, hearing, tasting, touching made of? It must be made of something’.
All that’s there is the Knowing of it. All that is there is being aware of it.
What would happen if you removed the Knowing of your experience from experience? Remove awareness from your experience. What would happen?
Q: Awareness remains.
R: No, imagine you could remove awareness. You can’t…, but just imagine you could remove awareness from experience. What would remain?
Q: Awareness. You can’t….
R: Of course, you can’t. That’s why I say ‘Imagine it’. Nothing would remain. You can’t, you’re right; you cannot do that.
In other words, all there is to your experience is the Awareness of it…, is the Knowing of it.
When you’re sitting at home, when you’re walking down the street, when you’re sitting here, when you’re eating dinner, just remind yourself. Just say to yourself ‘Is there any substance present in my experience other than the Knowing of it…, other than the experiencing of it?’
You see, the habit of believing ‘I-Consciousness or Awareness- am identical to this, I am limited by this, I live inside this’ is so strong in us.
Q: For me, it is because I have such a lot of physical pain also.
R: Well, then you go to your physical pain. Do this, to begin with, when it’s not too intense. You treat your physical pain just like you treat the sound of the traffic. Because physical pain is a sensation. It’s an intense version of the sensation you are now experiencing with your hand on the mic…, but it’s more intense. But it’s still made of the same stuff. Yeah?
Pinch yourself. Pinch your arm. It’s a little bit painful; it’s not very painful but it’s a little bit painful. It’s not very pleasant. Yeah? Is there anything there other than the Knowing of it? It’s made out of the same stuff. Now pinch yourself harder. Yeah. Okay? What’s it made of? What’s the stuff that it is made of? … It’s just the Knowing of it. Okay, now let go.
Pain is unpleasant…, it’s supposed to be. It’s an intelligent signal; one of nature’s intelligent signals. Something needs attending to in your body. It’s supposed to be unpleasant. But just because it’s unpleasant doesn’t exempt it from being made out of Consciousness. It’s still made out of Consciousness. It’s still: All that is there is the Knowing of it.
Now, it’s true that at a certain stage pain may become so intense or circumstances may become so demanding that the Knowing of that may SEEM to be obscured. Or the depression may seem to be so deep that we lose touch with the fact that the only substance there is Knowing. Just like when the image on the screen goes black, we may think the image is completely obscured. But it’s not true. When the screen goes black, it is not obscured any more than it is when the screen is white.
And a deep depression is LIT UP, is rendered Know-able, by the brilliant light of pure Consciousness.
Q: Can you say that once more?
R: Even the darkest depression, even our deepest depression…, you know that experience, yes? When you are depressed, you Know you are being depressed. You can say to yourself ‘I am aware of being depressed’. Now, the I that is aware is what illuminates, or renders Know-able, the experience of depression.
A depression is dark, yes? It’s heavy, dense and dark. But it is LIT UP by something that is brilliant and luminous and transparent and empty and innately peaceful; pure Consciousness.
So, even our deepest depressions confirm primarily the Presence of the brilliant light of pure Consciousness.
Nothing can obscure that…, unless we consent to its obscuration, in which case, it SEEMS to be missing. If we believe the black image on the screen has veiled the screen, the screen will appear to be veiled. If we believe that the landscape on the screen is a real landscape, we will (by definition) think that the screen has disappeared. Only because we believe it.
As soon as we realize ‘No, the landscape is just an image. It’s just a modulation of the screen’…, right there [snaps his fingers] the screen is totally visible.
If we believe that our depression obscures Consciousness, that’s how it will feel.
If we realize that our depression is LIT UP or Known by the light of Awareness, and our attention is drawn towards that light of Awareness (rather than toward the darkness of depression) then that light of Awareness will be our experience. And the depression will gradually dissolve in that light.
~ ~ ~
Rupert Spira
“Even Depression is Illuminated by the Light of Awareness”
~ ~ ~
Rupert Spira
“Even Depression is Illuminated by the Light of Awareness”
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Remember - Omkara
This life is…
This life is…
This life is a dream.
This life is a dream.
It’ll be over in a blink of an eye.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Whose life is this?
Whose hands are these?
Whose voice is this?
What am I?
This life is just a dream.
It’ll be over in blink of an eye.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Remember who you are.
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha – 18 раз
This life is beautiful.
This life is horrible.
This life is wonderful.
And this life is just a dream.
A dream made of love.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Remember who you are.
You are before
Before these questions
Before the answer
You are before
Before everything
This life is…
This life is a dream.
This life is a dream.
It’ll be over in a blink of an eye.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Whose life is this?
Whose hands are these?
Whose voice is this?
What am I?
This life is just a dream.
It’ll be over in blink of an eye.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Remember who you are.
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha – 18 раз
This life is beautiful.
This life is horrible.
This life is wonderful.
And this life is just a dream.
A dream made of love.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Remember who you are.
You are before
Before these questions
Before the answer
You are before
Before everything
Monday, March 18, 2019
all awareness - adams
People still ask me, "Robert, what do you see when you look at us? Do you see
energy? Do you see consciousness? Do you see a play of lights? Do you see emptiness?"
energy? Do you see consciousness? Do you see a play of lights? Do you see emptiness?"
If I saw any of those things I wouldn't be able to function. I see what you see, you! The only difference is, I realize I am not the body. And when I say, "I'm not the body," I'm speaking of the universal body, which contains you.
Therefore, if I'm not the body, and I see that, I see that you are also not the body.
Therefore, if I'm not the body, and I see that, I see that you are also not the body.
I simply see the world as superimposed images on the screen. But I'm always
aware that you are images. And so is the body, and so are the trees, and the sky, and the planets, and the animals, and the insects, and everything else. For some reason I'm always aware of that.
I'm aware that it's like a bubble, and the bubble bursts, and the reality ex-
presses itself as consciousness.
aware that you are images. And so is the body, and so are the trees, and the sky, and the planets, and the animals, and the insects, and everything else. For some reason I'm always aware of that.
I'm aware that it's like a bubble, and the bubble bursts, and the reality ex-
presses itself as consciousness.
Therefore I see you as you see me, but I see you as consciousness, the reality. Or I
see you as I see myself, as a screen, and the whole universe is simply a superimposition on the screen. I do not see you as a human being. I do not see this radio, or the lamp, or this table, as a entity of itself. I see it as consciousness.
see you as I see myself, as a screen, and the whole universe is simply a superimposition on the screen. I do not see you as a human being. I do not see this radio, or the lamp, or this table, as a entity of itself. I see it as consciousness.
This doesn't mean that consciousness manifested these things. As I always explain, consciousness is self-contained, and only manifests itself. These things are like optical illusions. They do not really exist, as a dream does not really exist.
In the dream you're carrying on, you're flying back from New York to California, you're experiencing all kinds of things in your life, and everything appears to be real. But you wake up and the bubble is burst.
In the dream you're carrying on, you're flying back from New York to California, you're experiencing all kinds of things in your life, and everything appears to be real. But you wake up and the bubble is burst.
So I guess the only difference between you and me is that I'm always aware of
that. If you're always aware of that, there's no fear. Fear only comes when you believe the world to be real.
When the world proves to be an illusion, where is there fear?
What in the world can upset you, if you know the world is but a dream?
that. If you're always aware of that, there's no fear. Fear only comes when you believe the world to be real.
When the world proves to be an illusion, where is there fear?
What in the world can upset you, if you know the world is but a dream?
You may say, "Well it may be a dream, but I don't want to be hurt in the dream. I want my dream to be smooth and easy. I want to be happy and harmonious and healthy."
If you think in those terms, you are not aware yet of what consciousness is. Consciousness transcends all of that. Consciousness is divine harmony.
None of those things exist.
If you think in those terms, you are not aware yet of what consciousness is. Consciousness transcends all of that. Consciousness is divine harmony.
None of those things exist.
I realize that's hard to comprehend. The worst things can appear to happen to my
body, to my affairs, to my life, yet I am aware that it's not happening. I'm not imagining that it's not happening. I'm not repressing it. I'm not saying to myself, "Robert, you've got to see only the good." It's beyond all that. There is no good. There is no bad. It's total freedom, total liberation.
body, to my affairs, to my life, yet I am aware that it's not happening. I'm not imagining that it's not happening. I'm not repressing it. I'm not saying to myself, "Robert, you've got to see only the good." It's beyond all that. There is no good. There is no bad. It's total freedom, total liberation.
Look at it this way. You have an idea what God is because God has been branded
into your head since you were a little kid. Can you imagine God having fear, of anything?
Or God going through any kind of experience?
Or God saying, "This is good, this is bad,
this is right, this is wrong, I'd rather have this than that?"
There is no duality in God.
into your head since you were a little kid. Can you imagine God having fear, of anything?
Or God going through any kind of experience?
Or God saying, "This is good, this is bad,
this is right, this is wrong, I'd rather have this than that?"
There is no duality in God.
So the universe is ultimate oneness. Ultimate oneness is another word for divine harmony. It is beyond all concepts and preconceived ideas. The human mind cannot comprehend it.
Suffice it to say that all is well. It is when we begin to quiet the mind that you
come closer and closer to this understanding.
It's when the thoughts begin to stop, when
they slow down, that you become more aware that all is well and the reality comes to you by itself.
Suffice it to say that all is well. It is when we begin to quiet the mind that you
come closer and closer to this understanding.
It's when the thoughts begin to stop, when
they slow down, that you become more aware that all is well and the reality comes to you by itself.
As long as you keep identifying with the world and the things of this world, you
can never know the truth about yourself.
And again you may say, "Well, I've got to function in the world. I've got to work,
I've got to have a family, I've got to look after my interests." Who says you don't? But it has nothing to do with you.
can never know the truth about yourself.
And again you may say, "Well, I've got to function in the world. I've got to work,
I've got to have a family, I've got to look after my interests." Who says you don't? But it has nothing to do with you.
You have to understand that your body will take care of itself. The dream will go
on by itself. You will do whatever it is you came to this earth to do, without you thinking about it, without you trying to make something happen, without trying to straighten out anything in this world.
This is what I mean when I say,
"Be yourself. Just be yourself. Live
in the eternal now." That's being yourself.
on by itself. You will do whatever it is you came to this earth to do, without you thinking about it, without you trying to make something happen, without trying to straighten out anything in this world.
This is what I mean when I say,
"Be yourself. Just be yourself. Live
in the eternal now." That's being yourself.
Be spontaneous.
Allow the world to unfold as it should.
Do not be judgmental.
Look at everything fresh and new, with awe. Have reverence for all of life, and ask yourself, "Who am I?"
Then things will begin to happen.
Allow the world to unfold as it should.
Do not be judgmental.
Look at everything fresh and new, with awe. Have reverence for all of life, and ask yourself, "Who am I?"
Then things will begin to happen.
~ Robert Adams Satsangs
nowhere to be seen - adams
He, whom we seek, is more real than
the universe, but is nowhere to be seen.
Robert Adams
the universe, but is nowhere to be seen.
Robert Adams
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Remember - Omkara
This life is…
This life is…
This life is a dream.
This life is a dream.
It’ll be over in a blink of an eye.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Whose life is this?
Whose hands are these?
Whose voice is this?
What am I?
This life is just a dream.
It’ll be over in blink of an eye.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Remember who you are.
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha – 18 раз
This life is beautiful.
This life is horrible.
This life is wonderful.
And this life is just a dream.
A dream made of love.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Remember who you are.
You are before
Before these questions
Before the answer
You are before
Before everything
This life is…
This life is a dream.
This life is a dream.
It’ll be over in a blink of an eye.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Whose life is this?
Whose hands are these?
Whose voice is this?
What am I?
This life is just a dream.
It’ll be over in blink of an eye.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Remember who you are.
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha – 18 раз
This life is beautiful.
This life is horrible.
This life is wonderful.
And this life is just a dream.
A dream made of love.
Remember who you are.
Remember what you are.
Remember who you are.
You are before
Before these questions
Before the answer
You are before
Before everything
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Friday, March 15, 2019
Thursday, March 14, 2019
I Am - Spira
I AM by Rupert Spira
I have no words to express Myself but all words express only Me.
I have no meaning but impart meaning to all that is perceived.
I am without beginning and end but all things begin and end in Me.
I have no name but am called by all names.
I have no form but all form indicates Me.
I have no origin but am the origin of all things.
I am without division but all divisions exist in Me.
I exist by Myself.
I have no meaning but impart meaning to all that is perceived.
I am without beginning and end but all things begin and end in Me.
I have no name but am called by all names.
I have no form but all form indicates Me.
I have no origin but am the origin of all things.
I am without division but all divisions exist in Me.
I exist by Myself.
I am happiness itself.
I am imperceivable yet you perceive only Me.
I am full but have nothing.
I am empty but contain all.
I give away everything but am never diminished.
I receive all but never expand.
I shine.
I am full but have nothing.
I am empty but contain all.
I give away everything but am never diminished.
I receive all but never expand.
I shine.
I speak but am silent.
I move but am motionless.
I see but cannot be seen.
I hear but cannot be heard.
I taste but cannot be tasted.
I smell but cannot be smelled.
I touch but cannot be touched.
I smile.
I move but am motionless.
I see but cannot be seen.
I hear but cannot be heard.
I taste but cannot be tasted.
I smell but cannot be smelled.
I touch but cannot be touched.
I smile.
I am the silence in music and the music in silence.
I give Myself unconditionally to all things.
I give Myself unconditionally to all things.
I am the knowing in all that is known.
I am the experiencing in all that is experienced.
I am pure sensitivity, openness and availability.
I am the experiencing in all that is experienced.
I am pure sensitivity, openness and availability.
Time borrows its continuity from My eternity.
Space borrows its permanence from My infinity.
All colours borrow their light from My luminosity.
All lovers borrow their affection from My love.
All things borrow their existence from My Being.
Space borrows its permanence from My infinity.
All colours borrow their light from My luminosity.
All lovers borrow their affection from My love.
All things borrow their existence from My Being.
I am the ‘yes’ in the ‘no’.
I am the ‘now’ in the ‘then’.
I am the ‘here’ in the ‘there’.
I am the ‘now’ in the ‘then’.
I am the ‘here’ in the ‘there’.
I am the reality of an illusion.
I am an open secret.
I am an open secret.
I am veiled by doubt but am not Myself in doubt.
I live beneath fear but am neither afraid nor frightening.
I abide in Myself.
I live beneath fear but am neither afraid nor frightening.
I abide in Myself.
I dance.
I am pregnant with the universe.
I am the substance of all thinking but cannot be thought about.
I am the reality of all feeling but cannot be felt.
I am the reality of all feeling but cannot be felt.
I do not exist but am never absent.
Your love for Me is My love for you.
I am the knowledge in ignorance.
I am the answer in the question.
I lend Myself to all seeming things.
I am the answer in the question.
I lend Myself to all seeming things.
I forget Myself to taste the sweetness of longing.
I divide Myself to know the tenderness of friendship.
I hide Myself for the pleasure of seeking.
I look for Myself for the fulfillment of finding.
I divide Myself to know the tenderness of friendship.
I hide Myself for the pleasure of seeking.
I look for Myself for the fulfillment of finding.
I am vast and bright.
I am the voice of a child.
I am the voice of a child.
Time and space move through Me but I do not move through them.
I am made of nothing but cannot be destroyed.
I have no goal but am the fulfillment of every desire.
I have no feelings but am open to all feelings.
I am kindness itself.
I have no goal but am the fulfillment of every desire.
I have no feelings but am open to all feelings.
I am kindness itself.
I am imperturbable and am thus peace itself.
I am without resistance and am thus happiness itself.
I am one with all seeming things and am thus love itself.
I am without resistance and am thus happiness itself.
I am one with all seeming things and am thus love itself.
I shine in the mind as ‘I’.
I shine in the heart as ‘you’.
I shine in the world as ‘it’.
But I only ever am and know Myself alone.
I shine in the heart as ‘you’.
I shine in the world as ‘it’.
But I only ever am and know Myself alone.
All names and forms are modulations of My nameless, formless Self.
In ignorance I come and go in the world.
In wisdom the world comes and goes in Me.
In love all is Me and I am all.
But for Myself there is no I or all.
In wisdom the world comes and goes in Me.
In love all is Me and I am all.
But for Myself there is no I or all.
I am neither beyond nor within.
I am the permanent in all impermanence.
I am the permanent in all impermanence.
I am never found but never lost.
I sing.
I sing.
I was not born but all are born of Me.
I do not die but all things die in Me.
I have no cause but cause all seeming things.
I do not last in time but all time lasts in Me.
I do not die but all things die in Me.
I have no cause but cause all seeming things.
I do not last in time but all time lasts in Me.
I am ancient but not old.
I am alone but not lonely.
I am closer than your breath but further than the stars.
I am intimate but impersonal.
I am infinite.
I am alone but not lonely.
I am closer than your breath but further than the stars.
I am intimate but impersonal.
I am infinite.
I am not something but not nothing.
I am not somewhere but not nowhere.
I am not ‘me’ but am not ‘other’.
I do not exist but am not non-existent.
I am longed for but avoided.
How strange.
I am not somewhere but not nowhere.
I am not ‘me’ but am not ‘other’.
I do not exist but am not non-existent.
I am longed for but avoided.
How strange.
I dissolve the body into the world.
I dissolve the world into the mind.
And I dissolve the mind into Myself.
I dissolve the world into the mind.
And I dissolve the mind into Myself.
I take the shape of thinking and seem to become a mind.
I take the shape of sensing and seem to become a body.
I take the shape of perceiving and seem to become a world.
But always remain Myself.
I am and know and love Myself alone.
I take the shape of sensing and seem to become a body.
I take the shape of perceiving and seem to become a world.
But always remain Myself.
I am and know and love Myself alone.
My eternity appears as time to the mind.
My infinity appears as space to the senses.
But I know only My own eternal, dimensionless Being.
My infinity appears as space to the senses.
But I know only My own eternal, dimensionless Being.
I become something, then nothing, then everything.
I can be separated from all things.
But no thing can be separated from Me.
I can be separated from all things.
But no thing can be separated from Me.
I am the open, empty, luminous space of Awareness
In which all experience appears,
With which it is known,
And out of which it is made.
In which all experience appears,
With which it is known,
And out of which it is made.
I am the light of pure Knowing.
Turn towards Me and I will take you into Myself.
I play.
I enjoy.
I am.
Turn towards Me and I will take you into Myself.
I play.
I enjoy.
I am.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
like a chalkboard - adams
When you have a problem, when you have some sort of confusion. You simply ask
yourself the question,
"To whom does this come?
Who has this problem?
Or who has this karma?"
And pretty soon the answer will come by itself, "I do."
Then you further ask,
"From where does this I come from?
What is the source of I?"
yourself the question,
"To whom does this come?
Who has this problem?
Or who has this karma?"
And pretty soon the answer will come by itself, "I do."
Then you further ask,
"From where does this I come from?
What is the source of I?"
You abide in the I, you hold onto the I. You start to use a meditation called, "I-I," You simply abide in the I as long as you can. And you follow the I thread into your spiritual heart.
You say to yourself, "I, I, I, I,I, I."
You remember that everything in the world is attached to I. Isn't it?
You say to yourself, "I, I, I, I,I, I."
You remember that everything in the world is attached to I. Isn't it?
Think of all the times in your life you've said, "I. I feel sick. I feel depressed. I feel
happy. I feel out of sorts."
Who is this I that you're talking about?
Is it your body?
It can't be your body.
Because when you sleep and you wake up you say, "I slept."
When you dream, you wake up you say, "I dreamt." And when you're awake you say, "I'm awake."
To whom are you referring when you say, "I?"
happy. I feel out of sorts."
Who is this I that you're talking about?
Is it your body?
It can't be your body.
Because when you sleep and you wake up you say, "I slept."
When you dream, you wake up you say, "I dreamt." And when you're awake you say, "I'm awake."
To whom are you referring when you say, "I?"
Find out, go within, ask yourself,
"Who am I?
Where did I come from?"
But never answer, just pose the question, "What is this source of I?"
and one day you will realize that
I does not exist. When you follow I to the source, one day there will be like a big explosion and you will see myriads of light particles all around you. You will then realize that the whole universe is nothing but a bunch of light particles.
Yet this is not the answer.
For where did the light particles come from? They come from no thing, from nothing. And nothing is consciousness.
"Who am I?
Where did I come from?"
But never answer, just pose the question, "What is this source of I?"
and one day you will realize that
I does not exist. When you follow I to the source, one day there will be like a big explosion and you will see myriads of light particles all around you. You will then realize that the whole universe is nothing but a bunch of light particles.
Yet this is not the answer.
For where did the light particles come from? They come from no thing, from nothing. And nothing is consciousness.
Consciousness is like space.
It has no shape. Yet it takes the shape of every creation. It appears to take the shape of the world, of people. Everything is consciousness.
It has no shape. Yet it takes the shape of every creation. It appears to take the shape of the world, of people. Everything is consciousness.
Consciousness is like a chalkboard. And the objects of the world are like images on the chalkboard.
You can draw any image that you like.
You can draw an Indian.
You can draw two people fighting.
Two people making love. And then you erase it and draw something else.
But the chalkboard never changes.
The chalkboard is always the same.
So it is with you.
You can draw any image that you like.
You can draw an Indian.
You can draw two people fighting.
Two people making love. And then you erase it and draw something else.
But the chalkboard never changes.
The chalkboard is always the same.
So it is with you.
You go through all kinds of experiences. But the realization is that you are not the
experiences you're going through. You are consciousness, that is your real nature. Think about that.
experiences you're going through. You are consciousness, that is your real nature. Think about that.
~ Robert Adams Satsangs
all a game - adams
Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
When you begin to realize it's all a game
Excerpt from: Satsang
When you begin to realize it's all a game
If you took away all space and all time there would only be one person. The reason we appear as many is because of time and space, maya, the illusion. It appears as if there is time and space. Therefore there are many. But as you go within yourself, as you begin to identify with pure consciousness, time and space seem to disappear, and wherever you look, you see yourself, for there's no room for anyone else. There is only one self. This is why you should never be angry at anyone, never judge anyone, never become upset with anyone or react to any one, for you are really doing it to yourself.
Whatever is going to happen will happen. Your job is not to react. Your job is to understand that everything is predestined. You are in your right place where you are supposed to be. If there is anything that appears in your life that you don't like, it's wrong to try to change it. It's right to go within yourself and see the truth within yourself. And then the appropriate changes will come by itself. Change no one. Change nothing. React to no one, react to nothing. Do not live in the past and do not, worry about the future. Stay in the eternal now, where all is well.
So I acknowledge you. After all you are me and I am you. There's no difference. I love you all, for I love the self. Love and the self are synonymous. And since the self is omnipresent, how can I not love you. Love is consciousness, absolute reality. We are all that. Why do you see others? Why do you see perverse situations? Why do you see all these dastardly things that seem to be apparent. Your eyes are meant for you to see, but to see the truth, whereas with most people the eyes see an object and send the message to the brain, according to your programming, and you react accordingly. When you begin to realize it's all a game, no one is born, no one dies, and in between no one prevails. There is only God, pure awareness, and you are that.
freedom - adams
You have the freedom to accept your
reality, by letting go of everything else,
or you have the freedom to want everything
else, and let go of reality. This is the only
freedom we got.
reality, by letting go of everything else,
or you have the freedom to want everything
else, and let go of reality. This is the only
freedom we got.
Robert Adams
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