Wednesday, June 19, 2019

have a cup of tea - adams

The solution is to have a cup of tea,
to relax...
The ordinary mind can never know the Self.
The Self can never be known by the ordinary mind...
Therefore what is the solution?
More sadhana?
More intense meditation?
The solution is to have a cup of tea,
to relax.
The metaphor,
"to have a cup of tea" really means
to let go....
Stop thinking about it....
Relax completely....
The Self will make itself
known to you in it's own time....
You really do not have to do anything....
When you practice intense sadhana
it will lead you to a quiet mind,
but it will never lead you
to complete realization,
for the ordinary mind can
never be realized.....
There is absolutely nothing
you can do with your mind to awaken....
It can make you more peaceful.....
Therefore you have to learn to relax,
let go, to become desireless....
You need nothing,
yet you need everything....
You have no wants or needs,
yet everything is taken care of....
It makes no difference
whether you're sick or healthy,
rich or poor, sad or happy....
These things have nothing to do
with realization.....
You want to forget about your
body-mind phenomena....
Just observe your body
but never react to it....
Observe the world
but never react to it....
Observe your thoughts
but never react to them....
Allow whatever happens to happen....
Robert Adams.....

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