Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
Make your life simple, live simply.
Excerpt from: Satsang
Make your life simple, live simply.
Now let's talk about you. What do you do with your life all day long? What do you think about? Are you in control of your emotions or your thoughts? Are you still allowing the world to show you what is going on? Are you still allowing the world to show you what is right or wrong, what is good or bad and you react to this? Are you still trying to change the world from bad to good?
If you are you can never awaken this way. You can never awaken to your true Self as long as you believe something is wrong anywhere. Something being wrong anywhere means that what you call God doesn't know what he or she or whatever it is, is doing. For they have allowed something to be wrong. But when you awaken to the fact that you are the God, you are the ultimate reality, and the whole world is manifesting from your mind and all you've got to do is blink and keep still, stop thinking, stop the thoughts from rising and everything else will take care of itself and you will be home.
The important point here is you have to stop the thoughts from rising. In order for you to do this you have to find the source to your thoughts. What is the source of your thoughts? You never answer a question like this. For if you answer this question it's the ego answering the question. You may have read somewhere, where the source of your thoughts are but do not repeat the words like a parrot. A parrot maybe taught to say, "I'm not afraid of cats, I'm not afraid of cats, I'm not afraid of cats," but the first cat that jumps into the cage it starts squawking and screaming its head off. This is like most of us.
We go around repeating affirmations, words of truth that we read some place, we become like a parrot. The whole idea is to be silent. Not to add affirmations or words to your garbage pail. That is already filled with garbage. By garbage I mean, preconceived ideas, dogmas, opinions, samskaras from previous lives, you're filled with these things and you are a reacting machine, you react, that is what you do all day is react, react, react. Therefore when you try to learn more knowledge and you read more books all you're doing is adding on to the garbage pail.
Of course most of you realize, the highest truth is to delete, not to add. To get rid of the things you believe in now. So empty yourself out totally and completely. All of your ideas, your feelings, all have to be emptied out of you. When you become totally and completely empty there is nothing you have to do to fill it up again. Emptiness is realization. Emptiness is Brahman. Emptiness is the Self. Emptiness is your real nature.
So do not concern yourself whether the world is real or if everything is preordained. Do not waste your time thinking about things like this. Wouldn't it be more useful for you to say, "To whom do these thoughts come? Who is thinking these thoughts? To whom do they come? They come to me. Then who am I?" I tell you this will be more useful for you. You've been wasting your time trying to find out what is real, what is false, who is enlightened, who is not, who is real, who is a fake, who’s this, who’s that and trying to make your life a certain way when the one is always looking after you. The power that knows the way, will always take care of you and lead you to where you're supposed to be. Wake up! Be free!
Stop searching for something you already are. Stop judging others, leave everything alone. Dive deep within, deeper than you've ever gone before. Become one-pointed. Leave this world alone. You will be all right. Noone really wants to hurt you or cause you any suffering. You are blessed. If you only knew what you were for an instance, you will burst out with joy. If you only knew your true divine nature, you would not be able to contain your happiness.
Make your life simple, live simply. If your life is too complicated then you do not have time to go deep within yourself. Remove the complications from your life. We do not do this physically. We do this mentally. By inquiring, "To whom do these complications come? Who needs them?" Remember when I talk to you this way, I never mean for you to leave your family or leave your job or drop everything and go into a monastery or a cave or anything else. All of this is done mentally. As within so without. As above so below.
The world responds to your new shape of your thoughts. The universe responds to your new being. In other words the universe always turns into what you are. Whenever you look at the world you're seeing yourself never forget this. All of the images in this world, including your body, are like bubbles on the ocean, like waves. They come and they go but the ocean never changes the bubbles always change. There for a while, they pop. They become part of the ocean again.
Then another bubble pops up, lasts for a while and pops, part of the ocean again. And so it is with forms of this earth. Your body and the world that you see are simply the bubbles on the ocean. Do not be the bubble, be the ocean and become free. For you're already free, awaken to it. Feel free to ask questions.
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