Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
“The world that you are seeing, observing, is simply your movie.”
Excerpt from: Satsang
“The world that you are seeing, observing, is simply your movie.”
If you abide in the first principle, that everything is an emanation of the mind and everything is preordained in your life, you would have no problems. Where can there be a problem when you realize that everything is preordained, predestined, and everything that is predestined in your life is projected through your mind. In other words, the world that you are seeing, observing, is simply your movie. You show yourself a movie whenever you stare at the world. And all the things that you see, is your flick. It belongs to you, no one else, everything.
Nothing just happens. Everything has already happened. And you appear to be going through a movie, where things appear to be happening, but you're really the projectionist and you are projecting your fairy tale. The idea is to become free, to become liberated. But how can you become free and liberated when the world affects you? When you're always scheming and planning and criticizing, becoming angry, reacting? How can you become free? You become deeply involved in the situations of life as if they were going to last forever. You realize by now that the only thing permanent in life is change. No thing ever stays the same. So why identify with the external world?
The wise person leaves the external world alone. They have very little to do with the external world. They have trained themselves that when they behold a situation, there's no reaction, no identification. You become no-hurtable. You cannot be hurt any longer by words, by deeds, by whatever. Wherever you find yourself, you put yourself there. No one is responsible for what happens to you.
The appearance is that people seem to be responsible for you always seem to be involved with people. Yet it's all planned. It's as if you were an actor and you are rehearsing for a play. Then you play the part. You do not really get angry at your co-actors for you know that it's a play, they're all playing a part. Life is like that. It's an act, act one. How you come out of act one determines if you go back into act two or you become free of the whole thing. Act two is when you become reborn and go through further experiences.
You're continuing the game. You have not learned to turn within, to dive deep within yourself and become free. You become attached to person, place or thing. And again you grow older, and it's time for act three. All of the time you are responsible for your actions.
If you would only leave it alone, if you can only understand no one can really hurt you, no one can really do anything to you. The appearance may be that they can, but you should always hold in the deep recesses of your mind that it's only a play, an act. If you go through the play without reacting you do not have to take on an acting job again. You become free.
But if you insist on reacting, it makes no difference what the situation is. You are reacting when you have preconceived ideas. When you believe something has to be done a certain way, when you believe people want to hurt you, things are wrong somewhere. When you're always scheming and planning and you're not spontaneous, that is acting.
And of course, whenever you react there will be a further reaction from the other side. It never ends. It keeps on going. This is collective and individual.
No thing is as it appears, or it wouldn't change. The whole universe is a mirage on the screen of life. Everything is a mirage, including your body, your thoughts, your feelings. They're all a lie. And they do not really exist.
When I go so far as to say that nothing really exists, I don't blame you for sort of becoming a little irritated with me, for I know that some of you have gone through life, and you've been hurt. Certain things have transpired in your life, so how can I sit here and say that no thing exists? Try to remember that I'm not speaking from a book I read, or what somebody else told me. This has been my direct experience. There is no world. There never was a world. And there never will be a world. All of the psychotherapy you go through, all of the karma you go through, all of the perverse situations in life you go through, they do not exist. They never have existed and they never will exist.
Yet the mirage is so strong that you're sit- ting here believing you are the body. No matter how many times I tell you, you are not the body, you are not the mind, you are not the doer, you always identify with yourself as the body. You can tell you're doing that because you're always thinking about yourself.
When you're taking a walk, what do you think about? Yourself. True? Whatever you're doing, you're thinking about yourself. You may get lost sometimes when you're watching TV, going to a movie, participating in a sport, but that doesn't last. When the movie is over, when the sport is over, when what you've really got involved in is over, you're back to thinking about yourself.
As long as you think about yourself as the body you have to suffer. You have to go through experiences in life. That's what this world is all about for the deluded person. Experience after experience after experience. There's no end to it until the day comes when you get good and tired of the whole thing. This is why some people really have to have the rug pulled from under them before they come around to this way of thinking.
For as long as they are leading a mediocre life, they don't have that many bad things happening in their life, they seem to be satisfied and they keep searching for better humanhood, not realizing that for every backward there's a forward. For every up there is a down.
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