Saturday, October 27, 2018

blasphemy - adams

[…] To think that you had a problem, that's an insult. When you believe you have a problem you are insulting God, blasphemy, think about this. For how can you say there is something wrong? What you're really saying is God or Brahman doesn't know what he's doing and there is something wrong, I'm hurting. God made a mistake, that's what you're saying. As you know it's virtually impossible for Brahman or God to make a mistake. There is no such thing in Brahman. Again Brahman occupies every corner of the universe, every nick and every cranny. Brahman is every thing and everywhere and this world is only a dream in Brahman. That's all the world is. This so-called world is a dream in Brahman. So when you're fearful, when you think something is wrong, something is not going your way, you feel hurtable, this is blasphemy. This is why you can't get rid of your problem because you keep insisting this problem is for real. Whereas in truth the only reality is Brahman. So do you see what you've been doing all of your life?
You've been reacting to TV, to the newspapers, to the dastardly things you see happening in this world, the things in your own life that are going on, you have been reacting to these things. No wonder you suffer. Some people who are new here may ask, "Why does Brahman allow this to happen in this world? Why does God allow all these dastardly things to take place? Wars, man's inhumanity to man." The answer again depends on your maturity. To the average person I will say to them, "This is God's leela, God's sport, Brahman´s play. Brahmans playing with himself and creates all these conditions," and this satisfies the people who are at this level of thinking. To others I'll say of a more mature nature, "First find out who you are then see if Brahman brings these conditions to you. In other words forget about everything. Forget about the world, your problems and find out who you are. How you relate to all of this, then see if anything matters." To a further mature person I will say, "Brahman only knows himself and nothing else exists," so the answer is determined by where you're coming from. What you can comprehend this time. And you have to be very careful how you talk to people […].
Think how you answer people. Some of you have read the books but you have not had the experience. You've never had the direct experience of the truth. Therefore you get into debates, arguments about who is right, who is wrong. What exists, what doesn't exist and try to be smart and say, "Brahman is everything. Nothing exists, everything is a dream." Wanting these people to respect you and say, "Boy he knows everything, he's smart." You're only fooling yourself. If you're not demonstrating a lot, keep silent. This is how you will grow spiritually. You will stunt your spiritual growth when you start telling people how much you know or trying to impress them with your knowledge of Advaita. The most advanced advaitan is a fool and knows nothing. There is no knowledge in Brahman. Can't you see that now? To have knowledge there has to be someone to receive it. And if there is noone left, who has knowledge? Knowledge of what? Knowledge of whom? All of the so-called knowledge is head knowledge. It's what you don't know that sets you free, not what you know! This is complete in reverse from going to school.
In school they jam all kinds of knowledge into your head and look what's become of you. Look at our politicians and great souls, so-called, who have knowledge. They create great problems in the world. Knowledge creates problems. So you really don't want knowledge. And other people they ask me, "Robert, if I only knew this I'd be so happy." I say, "Wrong, if you didn't know this you'd be happy. Remember it's how much you know, it is how much you don't know." This is very important to understand. Can you see now that most people who have become self-realized did so before they read a book. If they would have read a book before they would be complete idiots and joined a debating team. I will not say most I will say just about everybody, for centuries who have become self-realized, never read a book. Take the Rishis of old. The Rishis didn't read books. They sat under the trees in the silence, in quietness and everything was revealed to them. Now take yourself. What's revealed to you everyday, problems, situations? Stop thinking this way. Start to feel in your bones that there is only Brahman, nothing else, period […] end.
Sit in the silence and be in a state of no thought.
-- Robert Adams, T224: You’re In Your Right Place, Right Now!

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