Friday, August 16, 2019

nisargadatta-pay no attention

Nisargadatta Maharaj
Excerpt from: I AM THAT
Be effortless
Pay no attention. Don't fight them. Just do nothing about them, let them be, whatever they are. Your very fighting them gives them life. Just disregard. Look through. Remember to remember: 'whatever happens happens because I am'. All reminds you that you are. Take full advantage of the fact that to experience you must be.
You need not stop thinking. Just cease being interested. It is disinterestedness that liberates. Don't hold on, that is all. The world is made of rings. The hooks are all yours. Make straight your hooks and nothing can hold you. Give up your addictions. There is nothing else to give up. Stop your routine of acquisitiveness, your habit of looking for results and the freedom of the universe is yours. Be effortless.

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