Thursday, August 29, 2019

the truth about yourself - adams

Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
Everything is in it's right place
If you wake every morning and you realize the truth about yourself. That you are absolute reality, pure awareness, nirvana, ultimate oneness, this will begin your day. And you take it from there doing whatever has to be done. The problem is with some of you is you think too much about these things.
You analyze the things that are going on in your life, you think about them, you worry about them, you fret about them. Whereas in truth you just let go and do what you have to do. In the reality there is absolutely nothing wrong. Everything is perfect and good. And the reality is here and now. This is the reality. This is where some of you become confused.
When I say this is the reality and you're feeling your humanhood, you're feeling your pain, you're feeling your stress, you're feeling whatever you're feeling. I tell you this is the reality, how can this be the reality? I feel lousy, I feel this, I feel that. You only feel bad when you think about it. Follow this closely.
If you begin to live in the split second that I talk to you about, in the moment! You will not feel bad. If you begin to feel in the absolute moment that you are absolute reality, pure awareness, in that moment you feel wonderful. And that moment turns into another moment, into another moment, into another moment. This is what I mean when I say, "Everything is in it's right place. Everything is unfolding as it should. You are perfect now, you are perfect now!"
Not in your thoughts when you begin to think about this. You are perfect right now! Right now! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you right now! Everything is in it's right place right now! When you begin to talk about it, when you begin to think about it, when you begin to analyze it, something else comes in. Like a mirage. The water in the mirage appears to be real. As soon as you try to grab it, it becomes sand.
Your disease, your sickness, your depression, your stress, even your happiness and all the things that are going on in your life, in the world that make you happy are like the mirage, like the water in the mirage. If you really try to grab it, it doesn't exist.
When I say, "When you try to grab it," I mean when you try to live in that moment in that split second. In that split second there is only God. There are no room for thoughts and no room for anything else. But the moment you begin to think you spoil it and you become human once again. This is the reason you were given self-inquiry. For self-inquiry is beautiful for things like this.
You begin to see that I is sick, that I has the problem. I is the one that is giving you the problems. Who is I? You have to catch yourself. Always catch yourself. When you say there is no sickness, there is no disease this is a truth. But for whom is there no disease? For the one who knows the truth and lives in the truth and is the truth.
This is why people like Christ, Krishna, Rama Krishna, Ramana Maharshi, Milarepa, many others appeared to have been suffering. Yet in truth noone ever suffered. Noone ever died for noone ever lived. Try to understand this, your true nature is spirit. Yet for some strange reason, you've taken on this form, what you call a body that is born. While you were being born you are still the self. The Self doesn't come into the birth.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

suffering- spira

"Suffering is to the mind what pain is to the body. When you put your hand in the fire, you experience pain. The pain is not a mistake, it’s not something that’s wrong. The pain is the intelligence of the body, telling you: take your hand out of the fire. So pain is working on behalf of your wellbeing. Suffering is exactly the same at the level of the mind. It is cooperating with your desire for happiness. It’s telling you, you’ve got your hand in the fire. In this case suffering is telling you: You have mistaken yourself for a seperate limited awareness. Take a look. That’s what suffering is. It’s a wakeup call. It’s saying: You have mistaken yourself for an object, a limited self. Have another look!"

all the same stuff

Friday, August 16, 2019

nisargadatta-pay no attention

Nisargadatta Maharaj
Excerpt from: I AM THAT
Be effortless
Pay no attention. Don't fight them. Just do nothing about them, let them be, whatever they are. Your very fighting them gives them life. Just disregard. Look through. Remember to remember: 'whatever happens happens because I am'. All reminds you that you are. Take full advantage of the fact that to experience you must be.
You need not stop thinking. Just cease being interested. It is disinterestedness that liberates. Don't hold on, that is all. The world is made of rings. The hooks are all yours. Make straight your hooks and nothing can hold you. Give up your addictions. There is nothing else to give up. Stop your routine of acquisitiveness, your habit of looking for results and the freedom of the universe is yours. Be effortless.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

one of the illusions - acim

"One of the illusions from which you suffer is the belief that what you judged against has no effect. This cannot be true unless you also believe that what you judged against does not exist. You evidently do not believe this, or you would not have judged against it." #ACIM