Thursday, May 2, 2019

ramana -you are that which never moves

One day Bhagavan looked at me intently and said
"It looks as if you are still hankering after meditation".
I replied, "What have I got except endless work in the kitchen"?
Bhagavan said with deep feeling,
"Your hands may do the work but your mind can remain still.
You are that which never moves.
Realise that and you will find that work is not a strain.
But as long as you think that you are the body and that the work is done by you, you will feel your life to be an endless toil.
In fact it is the mind that toils, not the body. Even if your body keeps quiet, will your mind keep quiet?
Even in sleep the mind is busy with its dreams"....
~ By Varanasi Subhalakshmiamma
Reminiscenses of devotees of Sri Ramana Maharshi

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