Tuesday, January 8, 2019

amness isness

I am the Amness of all selves
and the Isness of all things.
I am naked Awareness,
indestructible and irreducible. 
All experience is a colouring of My being,
but My being has no colour of its own.
I put on experience like one puts on a garment.
The garment temporarily conditions My essential being,
and makes Me appear temporary and finite.
When I take off experience, like taking off a garment,
My essential being is revealed, naked and unconditioned.
My naked being is never extinguished by experience;
it is only coloured by it.
Prior to assuming the forms of experience, I have no form.
Having no form, I have no limits.
Thus, in my own experience of Myself,
I am unlimited or infinite.
The forms of all experience,
are a play of My formless being.
When I am not playing, I am known as Shiva;
when I am playing, I am known as Shakti.
When I am not moving, I am known as Awareness;
when I am moving, I am known as mind.
When I am resting, I am known as peace;
when I am dancing, I am known as the world.
Being without form,
I cannot be named.
And yet, just as all forms are modulations of My infinite being,
so all names indicate only Me.
I am the name in all names
and the form in all forms.
I am the Amness of all selves
and the Isness of all things.
Rupert Spira

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