Tuesday, November 5, 2019

adams awaken

Many people still ask me, "Robert will I be enlightened in this life or do I have to go through many lives?
Will I awaken in this life?
Will I become free in this life or do I have to go on playing games like everybody else, making believe, when will I awaken?"
And it's very funny to me.
My answer is never!
You'll never awaken!
It's like the water in the mirage asking,
"When will I become real water?
How long do I have to be a mirage?
When will I become the real water?"
Of course it will never become the real water.
For the mirage can never become anything but a mirage.
It will always be a mirage.
So it is with us.
What you are can never be anything else.
For you do not exist as a body at all.
And if you do not exist as a body what can become self-realized?
In other words you have nothing to become self-realized with.
You cannot become self-realized it's impossible.
Forget about it.
Don't even think of it.
Self-realization has absolutely nothing to do with your body or your thoughts or your mind or your practices or your sadhanas or anything else.
Self-realization is the ultimate reality.
It is the pure awareness, the nirvana and that doesn't exist either.
So what exists?
There is no answer.
For what exists can never be known with a finite mind.
This is why we do the work from where we are.
We do not think about becoming self-realized or becoming liberated.
We simply wonder who we are.
We just ask ourselves, "Where does this body come from?
What appears to be a body?"
And we compare it to the water in the mirage.
It's an hallucination.
It has no validity.
In other words you have no existence whatsoever.
You have never had an existence.
Nothing exists.
Yet we appear to exist.
So what to do?
Nothing, there is nothing you can do about it.
That's just the way it is.
Do not try to change it.
Stay the way you are and keep still.
That is the best thing you can do.
Be happy just the way you are.
Of course the only way you can be happy is by keeping still and not reacting to things, by leaving everything alone and being yourself.
When I say, "Being yourself", I mean being you the way you are right now, nothing else.
The world of reality exists by itself.
It just is.
There is nothing you can do to change anything.
Do not try to change anything.
Do not work on yourself.
For every time you're working on yourself you are emphasizing that you're the self, the mortal self that needs to be worked at.
"just be yourself" the way you are right now, in this moment.
I'm not saying to be your self last week or to be your self a week from now.
Be yourself right this moment, this second, this instant and you'll be safe.
Do not concern yourself how to be the self.
Do not concern yourself what you have to do to be the self.
Don't even wonder what it is to be the self.
Just be!
Do not question it.
Do not try to understand it.
You will always be the way you are, nothing will can ever change that.
So you might as well get on with that and be happy.
Suffering comes when you try to change yourself.
Suffering ensues when you try to develop moksha, liberation.
When you try to transcend yourself, then you suffer.
For you are trying to attain something that doesn't exist and it hurts.
Isn't it wonderful not to do anything.
Never try to attain a thing or become anything else.
What about pain, what about lack and limitation, what about poverty.
What about the rest of these things that exist?
It's all part of life.
Do not try to get rid of it.
Look at it, accept it, be happy with it and leave it alone.
What I'm really saying is, "Get your mind off yourself".
Stop thinking about yourself.
Stop thinking about anybody else.
Whatever is supposed to come to you will come to you.
Whatever you are supposed to have you will have.
Wherever you have to go you will go.
You have absolutely nothing to do with it.
So why not enjoy where you are right this moment.
Stop trying to change things.
The very trying makes them worse.
The body that you're wearing right now is an hallucination.
You are not that person whatsoever.
But because you appear as that person you go through many experiences of what that person has to go through.
Do not fight it.
Do not try to change it.
Leave everything alone.
You'll be very surprised at what happens if you leave everything alone.
But when you try to change bad for good you're fighting a losing battle for it cannot be done.
You may tell me of people who have used their mind to achieve things in the world, to heal themselves of disease, to heal themselves of lack or limitation, to become powerful beings through thinking.
Those things are only changes, temporary changes.
Do not try to be a human being.
Go beyond that.
You go beyond that by doing nothing.
Yet some of you do not understand and think you have to sit down like a lump and do nothing on the contrary.
When you're doing nothing you're doing something.
Something is being done.
Something will always be done by you.
Yet at the same time nothing is being done.
So the question is, "Is something being done or is nothing being done?" and there is no answer.
What do you want to achieve and why do you wish to achieve those things?
Only for your self aggrandizement.
An animal leads a normal life.
It cannot think like we do.
It goes through its life and when it's time to leave their life it leaves it peacefully, happily.
But as human beings we fight, trying to live forever.
Trying to maintain the same beauty we've always had, the same happiness, the same joy.
This is all a waste of energy.
All is well, just the way it is.
You are perfect just the way you are.
There is nothing that you have to do.
There is no-one you have to please.
There is no God that you have to appease.
You are the one.
All of these ideas that are going through your mind of people, places, things, Gods, are all you.
You are creating everything.
Everything that you can think about you're creating.
Everything comes out of yourself.
Just like you're dreaming.
The mistake we make is we try to awaken from the dream, the mortal dream, from this dream.
Yet who is to awaken from it?
The person that wants to awaken doesn't exist.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Nothing exists that has to do anything.
The person who wants to be free does not exist, has never existed.
The person who is looking for moksha does not exist.
Then again what does exist?
Total silence exists.
Pure profound silence.
Never try to comprehend these things.
For you're using the mind, you're using the cells that are the mind, that are connected to the cells of the universe and you make your life miserable by doing this.
There is no difference between you and a tree or a mountain, a sky or the ocean.
The whole universe is composed of hydrogen atoms.
So you're nothing but a hydrogen atom.
How does it feel to be a hydrogen atom?
See how you mind begins to think?
It's difficult for most of you to stay silent.
You are not required to understand a thing I say.
I speak utter nonsense.
It's all nonsense and some of you are taking it in so profoundly like it's important.
Who are you really?
I have no idea?
If you have an idea of who you are you've got a problem.
For you're not that at all.
Again we go back to the beginning when I opened up this sentence.
Who thinks they're something.
You can never be anything.
The 'you' that you think you are can never be a thing.
Always remember this.
The 'you' can never become anything.
The only freedom you really have is to be still and quiet and that is the only freedom you've got.
To be totally quiet.
Everything else is an hallucination, a lie.
So most of you want me to sit here and tell you lies.
Stop worrying.
Stop fretting.
Stop believing something can happen to you, to hurt you.
What you are was never born.
It knows nothing of birth.
The one that knows about birth and death doesn't exist.
So here we are together again.
Why do you come here?
If you have a reason for coming here it's the wrong reason.
There is no reason for doing anything at all.
(long silence...)
~ Robert Adams, When Will I Awaken?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Nisargadatta and Ramana

past present future

Suffering arises from thoughts that are directed towards the past, present, and future. When we think about times in the past, we again feel situations that we went through and the sadness that then overcomes us is a delusion. It is impossible to alter the past, so pondering mistakes we made or misfortunes we once experienced causes us to suffer more than had already been the case and is useless.
Thoughts about the future are mostly pessimistic and therefore also cause us to suffer. They tend to make us much more sorrowful than those we have about the past. We do not suffer when we focus our attention on the present moment, which is what we do when we meditate. Nothing new is created through meditation, rather, we rest in the experience of our mind’s true nature when we meditate.
`~Bokar Rinpoche

Friday, October 11, 2019


Be So Beautiful That It Finds You
When you are out walking and you become tired you stop, you sit down, you relax. So when you get tired of trying to find solutions to your problems, when you find no solution, sit down. By sit down I mean, don’t try to solve the problem at all - the problem is in the past, it is not now. Don't think about past problems, just leave them alone and sit down. This is the moment of relaxation. You only have to allow this, listen to it, do not do anything. Just listen: Don't go to the past. The past is a problem, the past is mind. When you go to the past all will be problems so don't go to the past. The mind is the past and the past is a graveyard. Don't go to the graveyard. All problems are dead, so return to this moment without trying to solve the problem. Trying has put you in trouble, so don't touch this trying any more.
Simply sit down, keep quiet. Keep quiet for one moment. This is the moment you need, this is the moment of rest. Keep quiet for a moment without going to the past and you will find relaxation. There is no other way - simply do not think of the past. First help yourself - which means to not think - and then if you still need to you can ask me for help.
Just for this moment do not think, but direct your mind to its Source. Bring the mind which is thinking - which is going to the past - to face this present moment, and this will give you eternal rest. Help yourself not to look to past moments and do you find any problems? In this moment, without going to the past, where is the problem? Has it gone away? Then you have helped yourself. This is truly Self help.
You cannot buy this in the market, you cannot acquire it, you cannot purchase it. It is not something to be had. It is something that is already here. Do not try to get things, to achieve things, to attain things which are not already here, because whatever is absent - once you get it - will also be lost. Instead of reaching out after anything which is absent discover that which is already here, which you do not need to try and attain. This will be something fresh, something which is here, which is now. Give up your desire to get something tomorrow, do not allow this desire to stir, to rise up form the ground of mind. Abandon all your desires to get something which you do not already have. No desire is needed for that which you already have here.
Instead of trying to get it offer yourself up so it can get you. Be so beautiful that this will be attracted by your beauty. It will come and get you instead of you getting it. Who are you to get it, anyway? Allow yourself to be taken by it - that's the only way. You must be immaculate, which means to be without desire. Your own nature is immaculate so sooner or later you will know this. When there is no desire there is Beauty, there is Love. You cannot disturb this beauty even by giving rise to a thought to get it. This thought will only be an impurity. Make sure that no desire arises and you will be so immaculately beautiful - so perfectly pure and spotless - that everything will be instantaneously unfolded before you. Then this beauty will hug Beauty itself.
Simply keep quiet. Do not do anything and it will happen. Abandon even the intention to get something in the next moment. Do not even make the distinction between "this moment" and "the next moment". Then something will happen instantaneously.
10 December, 1991

Friday, September 6, 2019

not this / nisargadatta

Nisargadatta Maharaj
Our usual attitude is of ‘I am this’
You cannot possibly say that you are what you think yourself to be! Your ideas about yourself change from day to day and from moment to moment. Your self-image is the most changeful thing you have. It is utterly vulnerable, at the mercy of a passer by. A bereavement, the loss of a job, an insult, and your image of yourself, which you call your person, changes deeply.
To know what you are you must first investigate and know what you are not. And to know what you are not you must watch yourself carefully, rejecting all that does not necessarily go with the basic fact: ‘I am’. The ideas: I am born at a given place, at a given time, from my parents and now I am so-and-so, living at, married to, father of, employed by, and so on, are not inherent in the sense ‘I am’. Our usual attitude is of ‘I am this’.
Separate consistently and perseveringly the ‘I am’ from ‘this’ or ‘that’, and try to feel what it means to be, just to be, without being ‘this’ or ‘that’. All our habits go against it and the task of fighting them is long and hard sometimes, but clear understanding helps a lot.
The clearer you understand that on the level of the mind you can be described in negative terms only, the quicker you will come to the end of your search and realise your limitless being.

wisdom bunch

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Non Dual Honeymoon is Over

right here right now adya

life goes on - nisargadatta

Nisargadatta Maharaj
Excerpt from: I AM THAT
The mind is a cheat
There is only life. There is nobody who lives a life. Whether you plan or don't, life goes on. But in life itself a little whorl arises in the mind, which indulges in fantasies and imagines itself dominating and controlling life. Life itself is desireless. But the false self wants to continue pleasantly.
Therefore it is always engaged in ensuring one's continuity. Life is unafraid and free. As long as you have the idea of influencing events, liberation is not for you: The very notion of doership, of being a cause, is bondage.
You do it by habit only. Change your ways of feeling and thinking, take stock of them and examine them closely. You are in bondage by inadvertence. Attention liberates. You are taking so many things for granted. Begin to question. The most obvious things are the most doubtful.
You must deal with the 'I'-sense if you want to be free of it. Watch it in operation and at peace, how it starts and when it ceases, what it wants and how it gets it, till you see clearly and understand fully. After all, all the Yogas, whatever their source and character, have only one aim: to save you from the calamity of separate existence, of being a meaningless dot in a vast and beautiful picture.
All ambitions are for the sake of the 'I am'. If you want to make real progress you must give up all idea of personal attainment. The ambitions of the so-called Yogis are preposterous. A man's desire for a woman is innocence itself compared to the lusting for an everlasting personal bliss. The mind is a cheat. The more pious it seems, the worse the betrayal.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

the truth about yourself - adams

Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
Everything is in it's right place
If you wake every morning and you realize the truth about yourself. That you are absolute reality, pure awareness, nirvana, ultimate oneness, this will begin your day. And you take it from there doing whatever has to be done. The problem is with some of you is you think too much about these things.
You analyze the things that are going on in your life, you think about them, you worry about them, you fret about them. Whereas in truth you just let go and do what you have to do. In the reality there is absolutely nothing wrong. Everything is perfect and good. And the reality is here and now. This is the reality. This is where some of you become confused.
When I say this is the reality and you're feeling your humanhood, you're feeling your pain, you're feeling your stress, you're feeling whatever you're feeling. I tell you this is the reality, how can this be the reality? I feel lousy, I feel this, I feel that. You only feel bad when you think about it. Follow this closely.
If you begin to live in the split second that I talk to you about, in the moment! You will not feel bad. If you begin to feel in the absolute moment that you are absolute reality, pure awareness, in that moment you feel wonderful. And that moment turns into another moment, into another moment, into another moment. This is what I mean when I say, "Everything is in it's right place. Everything is unfolding as it should. You are perfect now, you are perfect now!"
Not in your thoughts when you begin to think about this. You are perfect right now! Right now! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you right now! Everything is in it's right place right now! When you begin to talk about it, when you begin to think about it, when you begin to analyze it, something else comes in. Like a mirage. The water in the mirage appears to be real. As soon as you try to grab it, it becomes sand.
Your disease, your sickness, your depression, your stress, even your happiness and all the things that are going on in your life, in the world that make you happy are like the mirage, like the water in the mirage. If you really try to grab it, it doesn't exist.
When I say, "When you try to grab it," I mean when you try to live in that moment in that split second. In that split second there is only God. There are no room for thoughts and no room for anything else. But the moment you begin to think you spoil it and you become human once again. This is the reason you were given self-inquiry. For self-inquiry is beautiful for things like this.
You begin to see that I is sick, that I has the problem. I is the one that is giving you the problems. Who is I? You have to catch yourself. Always catch yourself. When you say there is no sickness, there is no disease this is a truth. But for whom is there no disease? For the one who knows the truth and lives in the truth and is the truth.
This is why people like Christ, Krishna, Rama Krishna, Ramana Maharshi, Milarepa, many others appeared to have been suffering. Yet in truth noone ever suffered. Noone ever died for noone ever lived. Try to understand this, your true nature is spirit. Yet for some strange reason, you've taken on this form, what you call a body that is born. While you were being born you are still the self. The Self doesn't come into the birth.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

suffering- spira

"Suffering is to the mind what pain is to the body. When you put your hand in the fire, you experience pain. The pain is not a mistake, it’s not something that’s wrong. The pain is the intelligence of the body, telling you: take your hand out of the fire. So pain is working on behalf of your wellbeing. Suffering is exactly the same at the level of the mind. It is cooperating with your desire for happiness. It’s telling you, you’ve got your hand in the fire. In this case suffering is telling you: You have mistaken yourself for a seperate limited awareness. Take a look. That’s what suffering is. It’s a wakeup call. It’s saying: You have mistaken yourself for an object, a limited self. Have another look!"

all the same stuff

Friday, August 16, 2019

nisargadatta-pay no attention

Nisargadatta Maharaj
Excerpt from: I AM THAT
Be effortless
Pay no attention. Don't fight them. Just do nothing about them, let them be, whatever they are. Your very fighting them gives them life. Just disregard. Look through. Remember to remember: 'whatever happens happens because I am'. All reminds you that you are. Take full advantage of the fact that to experience you must be.
You need not stop thinking. Just cease being interested. It is disinterestedness that liberates. Don't hold on, that is all. The world is made of rings. The hooks are all yours. Make straight your hooks and nothing can hold you. Give up your addictions. There is nothing else to give up. Stop your routine of acquisitiveness, your habit of looking for results and the freedom of the universe is yours. Be effortless.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

one of the illusions - acim

"One of the illusions from which you suffer is the belief that what you judged against has no effect. This cannot be true unless you also believe that what you judged against does not exist. You evidently do not believe this, or you would not have judged against it." #ACIM

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I AM that I AM - ramana

Your duty is to be: and not to be this or that. “I AM that I AM” sums up the whole truth. The method is summed up in “BE STILL”. What does “stillness” mean? It means “destroy yourself”. Because any form or shape is the cause of trouble. Give up the notion that “I am so and so”. Our sastras( Scriptures) say: ahamiti sphurati (it shines as ‘I’).

how is one to know the self ramana

D.: How is one to know the Self?
M.: “Knowing the Self” means “Being the Self”. Can you say that you do not know the Self? Though you cannot see your own eyes and though not provided with a mirror to look in, do you deny the existence of your eyes? Similarly, you are aware of the Self even though the Self is not objectified. Or, do you deny your Self because it is not objectified? When you say “I cannot know the Self” it means absence in terms of relative knowledge, because you have been so accustomed to relative knowledge that you identify yourself with it. Such wrong identity has forged the difficulty of not knowing the obvious Self because it cannot be objectified; and you ask. “How is one to know the Self?” Your difficulty is centred in “How”? Who is to know the Self? Can the body know it? Let the body answer. Who says that the body is perceived now?
In order to meet this kind of ignorance the scriptures formulate the theory of God’s leela or krida (i.e., play). God is said to emanate as the mind, the senses and the body and to play. Who are you to say that this play is a trouble to you? Who are you to question the doings of God?.
Your duty is to be: and not to be this or that. “I AM that I AM” sums up the whole truth. The method is summed up in “BE STILL”. What does “stillness” mean? It means “destroy yourself”. Because any form or shape is the cause of trouble. Give up the notion that “I am so and so”. Our sastras( Scriptures) say: ahamiti sphurati (it shines as ‘I’).
D.: What is sphurana (shining)?
M.: (Aham, aham) ‘I-I’ is the Self; (Aham idam) “I am this” or “I and that” is the ego. Shining is there always. The ego is transitory; When the ‘I’ is kept up as ‘I’ alone it is the Self; when it flies at a tangent and says “this” it is the ego.
D.: Is God apart from the Self?
M.: The Self is God. “I AM” is God. “I am the Self, O Gudakesa!” (Ahamatma Gudakesa).
This question arises because you are holding the ego self. This will not arise if you hold the True Self. For the Real Self will not and cannot ask anything. If God be apart from the Self He must be a Self-less God, which is absurd.
D.: What is namaskara (prostration)?
M.: Prostration means “subsidence of the ego”. What is “subsidence”?
To merge into the source of its origin. God cannot be deceived by outward genuflexions, bowings and prostrations. He sees if the individuality is there or not.
Mr. Shamanna: Is there a sixth sense to feel “I AM”?
M.: Do you have it in your sleep? There is only one being functioning through the five senses. Or do you mean that each sense is independent of the Self and there are five selves admitting of a sixth to control them? There is a power working through these five senses. How can you deny the existence of such Power? Do you deny your existence? Do you not remain even in sleep where the body is not perceived? The same ‘I’ continues to be now; so we admit our existence, whether there is the body or not. The senses work periodically. Their work begins and ends. There must be a substratum on which their activities depend. Where do they appear and merge? There must be a single substratum. Were you to say that the single unit is not perceived, it is an admission of its being single: for you say that there is no second one to know it.
All these discussions are only to get rid of ignorance. When that is done everything will be clear. It is a matter of competence, or ripeness.
D.: Cannot Grace hasten such competence in a seeker?
M.: Leave it to Him. Surrender unreservedly. One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and also require a High Power to help you; or investigate into the cause of misery, go into the source and merge into the Self. Either way you will be free from misery.
D.: What is the drift of the mind after surrender?
M.: Is the surrendered mind raising the question? (Laughter.)
Talk 363 – Talks with Sri Ramana Maharsh