Monday, November 26, 2018

Thank GOD

“You must always keep thanking God for your life. 
Always be grateful for as tough as life can seem,
its great that you're here to experience it and to transcend. 
We're not here for a joyride. 
You're here to transcend the very influences 
that came through the mind and
to remember your Self and BE your Self.
That's how you turn earth into Heaven.
Then, you don't have to go to Heaven.
Heaven shows Itself in you.
We didn't come here by accident.
We came here by design, to be here,
to taste the life you're tasting and
to see it from the Highest Place.
Life doesn't change from outside, it changes from inside.
As you are, so life will appear for you.
It is you who can change your world, change your life.
And if you see from the Truthful Place,
it will become the most beautiful place outside,
because all that you see is interpretation.
What we are seeing is what we interpret.
What we conceive, that's what we see.
What is really there is only God.” ~Mooji

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