Thursday, August 23, 2018

life is but a dream

"When you are reading a very interesting novel, you see good and evil contradicting each other, and you think it is terrible when evil is winning. For instance, in one chapter the hero is about to be killed; but in the next, everything is straightened out and he is saved. You must understand that each life is a master novel written by God. It is not up to you to try to fathom it; you will be defeated by the limitations of your may a-deluded intelligence. First conquer delusion and become one with God; then you will realize why He created this world. To the untrained ear, some music may sound like a babble of noise. To an uneducated eye, a masterpiece of art may look like whimsical strokes of the painter's brush. The mind not attuned to the love of God does not see the meaning of the anomalies of His creation. Even a man such as Nietzsche, in spite of his brilliant flashes of insight and intuition, could not discern the inner harmony that is the very heart of all manifestations. Is it any wonder, then, that lesser minds do not comprehend this truth? To penetrate into the soul of creation, yoga insight is required. I remind God of this: "If we must participate in Your dreams, Lord, we like beautiful dreams of health and smiles instead of nightmares of disease or mental suffering." But the trouble is, as long as you will love beautiful dreams and fear nightmares, giving reality to any dream happenings, when nightmares come you will suffer. Therefore, the masters say, "Awake from both the beautiful dreams and the nightmares." If you are attached to human happiness, you are in for a lot of trouble, because nightmares are inevitable along with the beautiful dreams. But if you will think of a dream as a dream, whether it is enjoyable or dreadful, you will have peace. When you realize that life is a dream, then you are free." - Paramahansa Yogananda

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