Monday, July 16, 2018

Wake Up!! Robert Adams

Wake up. Get rid of all those feelings that are beseeching you to do all these stupid things. Awaken. Be free. Simplify your life. Have no fear. Fear is another thing that you become attached to and it keeps you back.
Look at the world. The world is a cosmic joke. It appears to be real, the good things, the beautiful things, the horrible things. They are all imposters. This world is a world of duality. For every good there has to be a bad. It has to balance. For every bad there has to be a good. For every up there’s a down. For every forwards there’s a backward.
We can never understand this world. It's too complex. Get out of it, not by committing suicide, but by transcending the mind and body, and awakening to your real self. That's how you get out of it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop paying so much attention to your thoughts, to the world, to your body. Let come what may. Surrender totally to yourself. Yourself is God, consciousness. Begin to identify with the I am, not with conditions. Leave conditions alone.

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