Monday, September 15, 2014


Before the ego — the thought of separation — there was no judgment. There was no sense of an 'other' to judge or evaluate. But with the idea of separation, there needed to be a mechanism to hold separation in place so it would seem to be real. For this purpose the ego made judgment. "Judgment was made to be a weapon used against the truth. It separates what it is being used against, and sets it off as if it were a thing apart." (1:1-2)

God, in His grace, provided an antidote for this poisonous thought system. Because we had already embraced the "reality" of judgment, He needed to use that mechanism for a different purpose that would be to the point where judgment is recognized as no longer needed. This antidote is the Holy Spirit. While the ego judges from a limited perspective that cannot see the whole, the Holy Spirit judges from the point of seeing totality. Thus His judgment is very simple. He recognizes all things as either real or unreal. What is real is Love and nothing else. What is unreal is nothing and is disregarded as meaningless and without effect. 

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