Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Awareness and the ego cannot coexist

I Am

"The consciousness that has come out of the five elements, through the body, is the quality of beingness,
the knowledge that ‘I am’.
That state of beingness will perish.
There is no necessity for following any particular path, everything is the same.
Think of that which is the center of the cosmos;
don’t let your attention stray in any way from the knowledge of beingness, ‘I am’.
Keep on knowing that ‘I am’ and through this insistence you will know the state you want to reach."
~ Guru Nisaraghatta Maharaj

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

you will be amazed-adams

mooji prayer

Let us turn our hearts, minds and prayers
to all parents, all families everywhere;
in every country, every race, every religion,
every corner of the earth.
If you have the power in you to love one,
you have the capacity to love the whole world.
Let there be an increased wisdom
and loving kindness and compassion here on earth;
let all beings grow more into the likeness of God
through their experience, bitter or sweet,
and so come to know and glorify God who is the living Truth.
Let this blessing spread throughout the entire earth,
empowered by the will, love and openness
that comes from your own heart.
Let it be so

Friday, September 7, 2018

awareness not part of experience

In all your experience, you cannot count awareness
as something within your experience.
Everything else becomes something,
a number, a thing, a form inside the awareness,
but awareness cannot be counted as ‘my experience’.
It is there before the ‘you’ you currently take yourself to be.
If you take you to be one, number one,
meaning your phenomenal existence,
then you are one, and number two comes easily.
Two, three, four, five, six, one million can be counted upon
because you touched and identify with one.
And this ‘one’ has caused all the trouble in the world.
So you be zero.
When the population count of this world is taken,
you will not be counted. You be zero. Don’t tell anyone this,
because no one will understand, even in the spiritual world.
But there are those who have been prepared
in the heart to understand what I’m speaking now.
If they swallow my words they will be saved.

~ Mooji

fragrance of your own pure heart

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

bury me

Dear Heavenly Lord, burry me! 
Burry all the things that does not resemble You within me. For i want not to live another moment apart from You. Bless me to find You in this life, for that is the ultimate joy; to be in Your arms. You are a Father, a Friend, a Teacher and Life in its absolute. Please Father, free all those who wish to be free...
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You...

not my busines


"The emptiness I speak about is not the emptiness the mind imagines.
It is not blank.
Your body can continue expressing in a natural way.
Intelligence is there. 
Emotions can come.
Everything can play,
but inside there is total serenity and peace.
No planning, no strategising, no personal identity is there.
Just the space of pure being.
It is what we are,
but we dream and believe we are not."
~ Master Mooji