Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Baby


‎"Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time? Yet that is what time is for; to learn just that and nothing more."



Be Still

Grace is needed most. Let us take the plunge, within, and "Be Still". ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

Searchable "A Course in Miracles" Online

Searchable "A Course in Miracles" Online

Monday, February 25, 2013


Everybody is addicted, the only thing is, some addictions are socially acceptable and others are not.


Of course the self based on memory is momentary. But such self demands unbroken continuity behind it. You know from experience that there are gaps when your self is forgotten. What brings it back to life? What wakes you up in the morning? There must be some constant factor bridging the gaps in consciousness. If you watch carefully you will find that even your daily consciousness is in flashes, with gaps intervening all the time. What is in the gaps? What can there be but your real being, that is timeless; mind and mindlessness are one to it.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


There is nothing wrong with you as the Self. It is what it is to perfection. It is the mirror that is not clear and true and, therefore, gives you false images. You need not correct yourself—only set right your idea of yourself. Learn to separate yourself from the image and the mirror, keep on remembering: I am neither the mind nor its ideas: do it patiently and with convictions and you will surely come to the direct vision of yourself as the source of being—knowing—loving, eternal, all-embracing all-pervading. You are the infinite focused in a body. Now you see the body only. Try earnestly and you will come to see the infinite only.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

jail is jail

@JohnGreerPublis: Imprisonment is unchanged with new decorations in a jail cell, and the delusion of self isn’t remedied with self-improvement activities.



There will be marriage, there will be children, there will be earning money to maintain a family; all this will happen in the natural course of events, for destiny must fulfill itself; you will go through it without resistance, facing tasks as they come, attentive and thorough, both in small things and big. But the general attitude will be of affectionate detachment, enormous goodwill, without expectation of return, constant giving without asking. In marriage you are neither the husband nor the wife; you are the love between the two. You are the clarity and kindness that makes everything orderly and happy. It may seem vague to you, but if you think a little, you will find that the mystical is most practical, for it makes your life creatively happy. Your consciousness is raised to a higher dimension, from which you see everything much clearer and with greater intensity. You realize that the person you became at birth and will cease to be at death is temporary and false. You are not the sensual, emotional and intellectual person, gripped by desires and fears. Find out your real being. What am l? is the fundamental question of all philosophy and psychology. Go into it deeply.

Friday, February 15, 2013


@CourseDaily: "Everything you perceive is a witness to the thought system you want to be true."

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I invite you to radically and absolutely be still—to put aside, all ideas of where God is, or where truth is. Stop looking. Simply be.


Between this thought and the next, where are you?


Your outer life is unimportant. You can become a night watchman and live happily. It is what you are inwardly that matters. Your inner peace and joy you have to earn. It is much more difficult than earning money. No university can teach you to be yourself. The only way to learn is by practice. Right away begin to be yourself. Discard all you are not and go ever deeper. Just as a man digging a well discards what is not water, until he reaches the water-bearing strata, so must you discard what is not your own, till nothing is left which you can disown. You will find that what is left is nothing which the mind can hook on to. You are not even a human being. You just are—a point of awareness, co-extensive with time and space and beyond both, the ultimate cause, itself uncaused. If you ask me: 'Who are you?' My answer would be: 'Nothing in particular. Yet, I am.'

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013


The Self appears as both the animate and the inanimate world; yet It always remains in Its own peaceful state; It is always pure Consciousness, as calm as the sky. ~ Song of the Avadhut