Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I AM that I AM - ramana

Your duty is to be: and not to be this or that. “I AM that I AM” sums up the whole truth. The method is summed up in “BE STILL”. What does “stillness” mean? It means “destroy yourself”. Because any form or shape is the cause of trouble. Give up the notion that “I am so and so”. Our sastras( Scriptures) say: ahamiti sphurati (it shines as ‘I’).

how is one to know the self ramana

D.: How is one to know the Self?
M.: “Knowing the Self” means “Being the Self”. Can you say that you do not know the Self? Though you cannot see your own eyes and though not provided with a mirror to look in, do you deny the existence of your eyes? Similarly, you are aware of the Self even though the Self is not objectified. Or, do you deny your Self because it is not objectified? When you say “I cannot know the Self” it means absence in terms of relative knowledge, because you have been so accustomed to relative knowledge that you identify yourself with it. Such wrong identity has forged the difficulty of not knowing the obvious Self because it cannot be objectified; and you ask. “How is one to know the Self?” Your difficulty is centred in “How”? Who is to know the Self? Can the body know it? Let the body answer. Who says that the body is perceived now?
In order to meet this kind of ignorance the scriptures formulate the theory of God’s leela or krida (i.e., play). God is said to emanate as the mind, the senses and the body and to play. Who are you to say that this play is a trouble to you? Who are you to question the doings of God?.
Your duty is to be: and not to be this or that. “I AM that I AM” sums up the whole truth. The method is summed up in “BE STILL”. What does “stillness” mean? It means “destroy yourself”. Because any form or shape is the cause of trouble. Give up the notion that “I am so and so”. Our sastras( Scriptures) say: ahamiti sphurati (it shines as ‘I’).
D.: What is sphurana (shining)?
M.: (Aham, aham) ‘I-I’ is the Self; (Aham idam) “I am this” or “I and that” is the ego. Shining is there always. The ego is transitory; When the ‘I’ is kept up as ‘I’ alone it is the Self; when it flies at a tangent and says “this” it is the ego.
D.: Is God apart from the Self?
M.: The Self is God. “I AM” is God. “I am the Self, O Gudakesa!” (Ahamatma Gudakesa).
This question arises because you are holding the ego self. This will not arise if you hold the True Self. For the Real Self will not and cannot ask anything. If God be apart from the Self He must be a Self-less God, which is absurd.
D.: What is namaskara (prostration)?
M.: Prostration means “subsidence of the ego”. What is “subsidence”?
To merge into the source of its origin. God cannot be deceived by outward genuflexions, bowings and prostrations. He sees if the individuality is there or not.
Mr. Shamanna: Is there a sixth sense to feel “I AM”?
M.: Do you have it in your sleep? There is only one being functioning through the five senses. Or do you mean that each sense is independent of the Self and there are five selves admitting of a sixth to control them? There is a power working through these five senses. How can you deny the existence of such Power? Do you deny your existence? Do you not remain even in sleep where the body is not perceived? The same ‘I’ continues to be now; so we admit our existence, whether there is the body or not. The senses work periodically. Their work begins and ends. There must be a substratum on which their activities depend. Where do they appear and merge? There must be a single substratum. Were you to say that the single unit is not perceived, it is an admission of its being single: for you say that there is no second one to know it.
All these discussions are only to get rid of ignorance. When that is done everything will be clear. It is a matter of competence, or ripeness.
D.: Cannot Grace hasten such competence in a seeker?
M.: Leave it to Him. Surrender unreservedly. One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and also require a High Power to help you; or investigate into the cause of misery, go into the source and merge into the Self. Either way you will be free from misery.
D.: What is the drift of the mind after surrender?
M.: Is the surrendered mind raising the question? (Laughter.)
Talk 363 – Talks with Sri Ramana Maharsh

Saturday, July 20, 2019

2 possibilities

abide in the now - adams

Why should you have to do anything to awaken, when your Divine nature is already awake ? Why should you have to strive or overcome conditions or straighten out your life ? In the dream that you are dreaming, you give importance to your human hood. That's the only problem you really have. Giving importance to your human hood. And once you do that, every other lie come into experience. That you have got to straighten conditions out, you have got to do this and you have got to do that,but really they are all lies. Consciousness has nothing to do. Absolute Reality is Absolute Reality just the way it is. It doesn't have to practice any sadhanas, chant any mantras, or do anything.
Why not awaken now ? What are you waiting for? Make up your mind that you are going to awaken right now, and allow your mind to turn into your Heart, which is Pure Awareness. Do it ! Some of you are still asking, how do you do it? Through Silence. Experiencing the Moment, the Now, the Reality. Nothing is happening Now. No one is suffering. Now is the only moment you have got. Abide in the Now. Everything is perfect right now. Feel it. Don't think about it. Feel it. There are no yesterdays, there are no tomorrows. All of your so-called senses have been transcended. No past and no future. You are fully alive now. Right now. Enjoy.
Remember, as your mind starts thinking, grab hold of it by observing it, and go back to the Now. Whenever you fall away in thoughts, keep remembering to catch yourself. There are many of you allowing your minds to run away. Stay in the moment. There is nothing happening in the moment. The moment is eternity. If you are doing this correctly, you should start to feel a joy welling up within you. A joy, a bliss, a peace that you never felt before. Feel it! Nothing else exists except for this Peace, this Love, this Awareness. Call it by any name you like; doesn't matter. You are That.
Robert Adams.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

isn't it funny - mooji

Very few beings on this planet will refer to themselves as pure consciousness, as emptiness. Have you heard anyone speaking like this? You cannot say things like this. You could get locked up for this, but even if they lock you up, they just think they’ve got you locked up. You, the pure Self, cannot be locked up at all. What you find is that the whole world is inside the jail and you are out! They are in the prison of egoic identity feeling sorry for you being in the ‘prison’ of their imagination, but actually, you are free. Isn’t it funny?
~ Mooji

you are awareness ; spira

Question: "Consciousness is all there is. I understand that there is no separate entity in the sense that it is impermanent and that all those apparent entities take form in and out of consciousness and so are impersonal.
If I know myself as pure Consciousness, formless pure light, does that mean that when I quit that apparent entity, that personality, that ego, that apparent me will dissolve completely?
If yes, who are all those dead entities that some people have the ability to see and get in touch with and even help them to transition. This seems to be so real and quite confusing and what about reincarnation?"
Rupert: "It is not that the separate entity is impermanent - it is rather that it is non-existent.
The apparently separate entity is a figment of the imagination whether it appears in the waking state, the dream state or an after death state.
That separate entity does not transition anywhere. How can a non-existent entity transition anywhere?
Why think of reincarnation? You are not even incarnated let alone reincarnated!
Incarnated means ‘born into the body.’ See clearly that the Awareness that you intimately know yourself to be in this very moment is not located in or as the body.
Be knowingly that Awareness and allow all appearances of the apparent entity and all ideas about incarnation and reincarnation to pass through you.
Who is the ‘I,’ the you, that will quit ‘that apparent entity, that personality, that ego?’ That one does not have to quit anything - it is already inherently free of the separate entity.
And who is ‘that apparent entity, that personality, that ego’ that needs to be quit? It dies or disappears every time the thought or feeling about it ceases. In other words, it is constantly dying.
In fact, it was never alive in the first place. As an entity it is just an object, like a table or a chair. However, if we look for that entity, we never find it. We find instead this presence of Awareness, that is, it finds or knows itself. That is what is alive in all seemingly alive things.
That is the light, the aliveness, the ‘experiencing’ in all seeming things and experiences.
Take your stand knowingly as this presence of Awareness and see that it never moves, changes, appears, disappears, is born or dies."

away - nisargadatta

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

silence - adams

you desire so little - nisargadatta

space always there - ramana

spira - attention is awareness plus an object

Attention is Awareness plus an object. Relieved of its focus on an object, attention flows back to its source and knows itself as pure Awareness.

i am absolute reality - adams

"So all I can do for you is to confess my experiences. And when I use the pronoun 'I', I'm referring to consciousness, to omnipresence. Everything becomes the Self when I say, 'I.' That includes everybody here. So I confess to you, that 'I am' not the body or mind. 'I am' not any experience. 'I am' not the world. 'I am' not anything that you can see, touch, taste, smell or feel. 
'I am' absolute Reality. 'I am' consciousness. 'I am' infinite intelligence. 'I am' sat-chit-ananda. 'I am' nirvana, emptiness. 'I am' love, pure awareness, joy, bliss. I Am That I Am. That is the truth about 'I', about you, about me and there's nothing else."

Friday, July 5, 2019

take a look -spira

"Suffering is to the mind what pain is to the body. When you put your hand in the fire, you experience pain. The pain is not a mistake, it’s not something that’s wrong. The pain is the intelligence of the body, telling you: take your hand out of the fire. So pain is working on behalf of your wellbeing. Suffering is exactly the same at the level of the mind. It is cooperating with your desire for happiness. It’s telling you, you’ve got your hand in the fire. In this case suffering is telling you: You have mistaken yourself for a separate limited awareness. Take a look. That’s what suffering is. It’s a wakeup call. It’s saying: You have mistaken yourself for an object, a limited self. Have another look!"

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

searching for the self - ramana

There is no reaching the Self. If

the Self were to be reached, it

would mean that the Self is not

now and here, but that it should

be got anew. What is got afresh,

will also be lost. So it will be

impermanent. What is not permanent

is not worth striving for. Ramana Maharshi