Thursday, August 31, 2017

Only the Self

Consider a piece of cloth.
It is only threads!

So all creation,
When you look closely,
Is only the Self.

Arise in Love

May your thoughts, words and actions arise from love.
—  Mata Amritanandamayi

Monday, August 28, 2017

You're doing it now

"Whatever you're doing, you're doing it now." — Pema Chodron


A ray of light cutting itself off from its source cannot BE itself; it would become sourceless. How can it extend its 'own' light?

Sunday, August 27, 2017

I do this and that

"I do this. I do that."
The big black snake of selfishness
Has bitten you!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The ego

Do not Embrace the Ego.
Do not Abandon the Ego.

How can the unreal be accepted or denied?

Empty out

We cannot have our heads filled with ideas if we want to discover the truth, just as a cup cannot hold anything if it is already full.

there is no other

remembering a wrong

"Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden on the mind."
            — Buddhist Proverb

Everything your friend

"Until you can see everything in the world as your friend, your work is not done." — Byron Katie

Who am I

Who are you? The answer is not in words. The nearest you can say in words is, “I am what makes perception possible….” Nisargadatta

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

one illusion no truth

"One illusion cherished...makes all truth meaningless." #ACIM

just observe

Just see.
Nothing is actually affecting you when you just observe,
when you don’t say, ‘This should not be.’
Pay attention to this wonderful power within you
that simply observes without judgment,
intention and attachment.
Feel that space and peace.
Give it a chance.

~ Mooji

The false

Whatever takes form is false.
Only the formless endures.

When you understand
The truth of this teaching,
You will not be born again.


"See everything as illusion." — Zen Proverb

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Be a passerby

Just be awareness, an observer, a 'passerby' without the need to evaluate, label or judge anything the senses perceive.

Always Free

You are always Free.
There is no teacher, there is no student, there is no teaching.
—  Papaji

Monday, August 21, 2017


"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."
          — Zen Proverb

Awareness and inner peace

Lot of anxiety and fear in the world today. May all beings regain awareness and inner peace.

Friday, August 18, 2017

The delusional world

"The world you see is the delusional system of those made mad by guilt." #ACIM #quotes


“Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else.” #acim


Ask yourself what "problem" you have right now, not next year, tomorrow, or five minutes from now. What is wrong with this moment?

Not the body

I am not the body.
Nor is the body mine.

I am not separate.

I am awareness itself,
Bound only by my thirst for life.

Truth=no opinions

"Don't keep searching for the truth, just let go of your opinions."
           — Buddhist Proverb

Thursday, August 17, 2017


"Experience - unlearned, untaught, unseen - is merely there." #ACIM


"Experience - unlearned, untaught, unseen - is merely there." #ACIM

truth is one

"The truth makes no decisions, for there is nothing to decide between." #ACIM

No death. No world

"Without the idea of death there is no world." #ACIM

Let it be

Stop stressing over it and just let it be. Everything will be ok.


Life doesn’t happen to you,
for you are the very living-ness
that is this "thing" we call life.

the present is forgiveness

"The present is forgiveness." #ACIM


An actor must identify with the characters he is performing, but not forget who he really is. We are LIFE, not the roles we play in life.


Anger greed attachment

“Anger, greed, & attachment exist but they are just appearances. They are true only for that moment, like thoughts hanging in the sky.” N.


We are all One

Who, What

Birth Place:  Earth

Race:  Human

Politics:  Freedom

Religion:  Love


The world is a magic show!

But in me
There is nothing to embrace,
And nothing to turn away.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Surrendering of Everything


“To give something up is not true detachment. To know and understand that the world is untrue is genuine detachment.”  Nisargadatta


A ray of sunshine shares the will of the sun, to extend light and give life. It doesn't wish to veer off and be separate from its source.


When a pendulum is swinging to the right, it is gaining momentum to go left.In duality, you can't have one polar opposite without the other.

Monday, August 14, 2017


Feeble with age,
Still he is filled with desire,
When without doubt he knows
That lust is the enemy of awareness.

Indeed how strange!

Cat chasing tail

Like a cat chases its tail, our search for our true nature is really a case of the seeker being the sought. We are Life yearning for Itself.

No problem

"If we live, we live;
if we die, we die;
if we suffer, we suffer;
if we are terrified, we are terrified.
   No problem."
Alan Watts

Sunday, August 13, 2017


“I have seen all souls as my soul, and realized my soul as the soul of All.” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan


The power of one mind can shine into another, because all the lamps of God were lit by the same spark. #ACIM

No body

The body is false,
And so are its fears,
Heaven and hell, freedom and bondage.

It is all invention.

What can they matter to me?

Saturday, August 12, 2017


“Truth cannot be an object of knowledge. Only something impermanent can be an object of knowing.” Nisargadatta


"There is no life outside of Heaven." #ACIM

Friday, August 11, 2017

The All

The idea of progress & becoming something other than we are now is nothing but actions in a dream. We are NOW, & have always been, the ALL.


You cannot find yourself in the past or future. The only place where you can find yourself is in the Now.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Being in unchangeable

As we age and the fortunes of our lives constantly change, only one thing remains the same: the Being Awareness in which it all unfolds.


Regardless of any conflict your eyes may perceive 'out there,' if you make inner peace your deepest desire and top priority it will be so.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

infinite self

Now I have given up The body and the world, I have a special gift. I see the infinite Self.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Play of the mind

Life is all a play of the mind, and it sets in motion all that we think, do, and believe. Our very reality is its creation.

can't lose you

"You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are." ~ Eckhart Tolle

Improve the silence

Don't speak unless you can improve the silence.


"[Taoism] isn't a process of learning more facts or greater skills.
It is the unlearning of wrong habits and opinions."
     — Alan Watts

Meditation: Starting as Awareness

who causes suffering?

Be here now

Be here and now, bringing nothing from the past. Just show up with an open mind, a sense of wonder and the light of your full awareness. ✨


When assigning meaning, let all things be to serve your waking from the dream and not to go deeper into it by separating, defining, judging.

The Self

For he knows he is the Self,
One without two,
The Lord of all creation.

Monday, August 7, 2017

soul having a bodily experience

"Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul." ~ Wayne Dyer s

Precious moment

Once realized that we are life itself, we know there is nothing to prove or accomplish other than being fully present each precious moment.

Get it?

Whenever you think you GET IT, ask yourself WHO is getting it.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

no thought

Papaji - Its So Simple

Eckhart tolle - how to stop self talk in the head

gift of grace

The Secret To Happiness (Rare Eckhart Tolle Teaching Must See)

give up thoughts


a masterpiece

pain body

What is the process? First, to see the pain-body for what it is. When you are engaged in negative thinking or talking, stop right there and say (out loud, if you wish), "These are not my thoughts of choice, these are the thoughts of the pain-body, which is addicted to negativity and unhappiness. I choose happiness. I choose peace. I choose to be free of the pain-body."

soul identification

Seek the nectar of truth,
Of love and forgiveness,
Simplicity and happiness.


The bad news: You're falling through the air with no parachute. The good news: There's no ground. — Chögyam Trungpa

Friday, August 4, 2017


All that matters is mindfulness, total awareness of oneself,
or rather, of one’s mind.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Know with absolute certainty that nothing can trouble you but your own imagination.
—  Nisargadatta Maharaj

Already here

We have all been seekers at one time or another, yearning for freedom, but it forever misses the fact that we are already free.

No judgement

“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

Deny the impulse to label & judge.

keep quiet

‘Keep quiet’ means
stop pursuing thoughts.

Me everywhere

All biographies ever written. everyone's story, good or bad, are your very own. Everywhere you look, it is only yourself that you see.


Let yourself become that space that welcomes any experience without judgement.
—  Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"To set up what you like against what you dislike, this is the disease of the mind." ~ Zen Proverb

The way out is the way of grace. The way that is beyond earning, being worthy and deserving. The way of open hands humble enough to receive.


Not everything happens for a reason. Nature is not rational. Just make peace with whatever happens.