Sunday, September 30, 2012


There is understanding only when there is stillness. ~ Krishnamurti


‎"If I did not think I would not exist, because life is thought." ~ Lesson 54-ACIM

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



Thought is projected out from your Self. Find out wherefrom it rises. Thoughts will cease to rise, and the Self alone will remain.

self realization

The only way to know what self-realization is, is by knowing what it is not. ~ Robert Adams, Ramana Maharshi Devotee


breaking through

From meditation to mantras, the shared objective of all mystical practice is to penetrate the conditioning that blinds us to what we are.

Monday, September 24, 2012


"We but undertake a journey that is over. Yet it seems to have a future still unknown to us."-A Course in Miracles #MiracleShare

Sunday, September 23, 2012

true and false

Whatever you may say will be both true and false. Words do not reach beyond the mind.


Life doesn’t come & go. When this particular form has no life left in it, life remains. It was here before this form was made.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


The yearning you feel is for the place you never left, but only forgot. Stop thinking. Just be. Feel the wonder of being alive. This is It!


"Whatever we think about and thank about, we bring about." - Wayne Dyer

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


If you go the way of your thoughts you will be carried away by them and you will find yourself in an endless maze. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


God is my devotee and did all this for me.


All is there already including the mind thinking it isn't.

The Dream

The dream doesn't stop when we open our eyes.


You cannot deny yourself at any time. The Self is ever there and continues in all states. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A lion called Christian - The whole Documentary (Full length) - YouTube

A lion called Christian - The whole Documentary (Full length) - YouTube


Consciousness of being conscious is already a movement in awareness. Interest in your stream of consciousness takes you to awareness.



Celebrate small victories often. Mourn failures quickly. Do what's necessary without fanfare. ~ Chris Brogan


Treat people, animals, objects and the world as they truly are, made out of pure Awareness alone, made out of your Self alone. ~ Rupert Spira

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Who Am I

What you are, you already are. By knowing what you are not, you are free of it and remain in your own natural state.



It's better to see God in everything than to try to figure it out. ~ Neem Karoli Baba

Monday, September 10, 2012


Be-ism: no temples, no churches, no mosks, no commandments, no Thé Book, no intermediaries, no holy wars, no dress/hair code, no diet restrictions, no segregation, no holier than thou, no heaven, no hell, no devils, no angels, no libraries full of theology, no suppression, no cause and effect, no god, no humans...unless that is what appears to be: Being this and/or that.

Being about Being


There is NO God out there to save you, because there is nothing that NEEDS to be saved!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Self is the one reality that always exists and it is by its light all other things are seen. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi


How can I hurt something which is one with me. On the contrary, without thinking of the world, whatever I do will be of benefit to it.


the world

Knowing the world to be a part of myself, I pay it no more attention than you pay to the food you have eaten.

Friday, September 7, 2012


One should realize the Self by the Eye of Wisdom. Does Rama need a mirror to recognize himself as Rama? ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


At any time in your life, you have full permission to simply be silent, to simply be stop.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


You cannot talk defeat and expect to have victory. Send your words out in the direction you want your life to go.